DTP Week 3 Day 3!

Student intentionality has been waning. The heroes have been making promises and rules but struggled to keep the standards. The guides constantly asked: “Are you going to keep the standards that you have set, or do we need to lower them?”

The studio promises that they have been trying to keep literally got “trashed” over.

Jpeg Jpeg

Energy levels were low. In times like this, a few minutes of nap and stretches brought the heroes more ready for the day.

The heroes spent the morning doing their finishing touches based on their peers and Auntie Sharifah’s feedback yesterday.

Games time was rock, paper, scissors tag! While it was fun, the heroes immediately reflected on whether the promises were upheld. There were times honesty were being questioned.



The games prompted a reflection. The heroes came up with their own goals. If they keep to the current rules they set for two straight days, they will celebrate with an ice cream party. Else, they will lower the challenge and try again for one day.

They decided that all mobile phones go here with responsible usage in this particular corner.

With this renewed commitment (umm… to ice cream), the heroes entered the next phase of the Design Thinking Program with new challenge cards. They are:

  • Quiet Studio
  • Ergonomics Specialist
  • Shoe Rack & Clean Feet
  • Sports Games Kit
  • Continuation of the Mural project

They set off immediately to find inspiration for their designs by coming up with open questions.

Can the heroes keep to the high standards they have set, and get their ice cream by next Wednesday?

Every moment they will have to make a choice. It is not easy, but this is their Hero’s Journey. Together.



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