DTP Week 5 Day 4!

Naturally, a learning community ebbs and flows.

The Acton KL heroes started strong with a deeper review of providing feedback, via a Masterchef Junior example. They reflected on what makes a useful and constructive feedback, besides some insights on cooking 😛


They took these lessons and applied it directly on their full circle feedback.

The initial focus turned into a lack of intentionality. Perhaps the major turning point was games time. The heroes continued testing the Sports Games Kit. First, it was touch rugby.


Then, it was poison ball but the heroes initiated this game without clear instructions. Rules were changed along the way; plainly it was poor sportsmanship. Dissatisfaction ensued. Morale was low.

The heroes discussed to find a solution. Is it a community struggle or a learning opportunity?


For the moment, the heroes put aside their struggles and moved on with shopping. This is their last shopping trip before the Exhibition Day. Initially, few heroes wanted to stay to get more project done. But last minute they changed their mind. The heroes took this opportunity to join their friends to get ice cream. Can their projects be finished on time for the exhibition?



Intentionality went off further after the shopping trip. The eating area and kitchen were messy. This had been the case since yesterday. A warning early in the morning but seemingly ignored. Guides gave a choice of upholding standards vs. lowering them. While the heroes choose to uphold standards, their action demonstrated otherwise.

The consequence? An immediate downgrade of freedom. Their bags were shifted outside, and computer privileges removed.


The heroes woke up and started clearing up. They were beaten up and even organized 2-minute silent reflection time. Some went back to work but in a low energy state.


Next week is the last week, ending with an exhibition. Can the heroes come back stronger?



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