DTP Week 6 Day 1!

Exhibition Day is near. The heroes are getting ready.

The heroes started the day with a video and discussion on what makes a good presentation talk, based on Chris Anderson’s tips.


The heroes also agreed to have three dry runs before the exhibition day, with constructive peer feedback. Each person put their hearts to get ready. Here’s some of their work

Mural art… a total change of plan from buildings:



Finding balance using a leveler.



Games time. After quite a number of test over the last week, the heroes rated individual games based on 1 to 3 stars. Football, captain ball, dodge ball and netball are their favorites.


What does this mean? Heroes’ choice: captain ball time!


The first dry run went longer, with focus waning towards the end. But now they have some idea of what it takes. Practice might start rough. But is necessary to make it happen.



What sort of day will Friday be?


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