MS Session 5 Week 5 – Exhibition!

A shorter 4-day week filled with challenges, ups & downs. But Eagles soared above and ended with a bang!

Also, we celebrated the 1st year anniversary of ActonKL being registered as an organization!



  • Crisis
  • Downgrade
  • Preparation
  • ActonKL’s 1 year anniversary
  • Exhibition
  • Bank Negara Trip
  • Transformation


The Eagle community were going through a crisis. Lack of intentionality, dirty studio spaces, late work submissions were common. The three promises which seemed so simple, but yet the community keep losing it.

On Wednesday morning, a group of parents requested an emergency meeting. There was a reported case of an Eagle self-harm in school yesterday, bringing much anxiety, fear and confusion to the young community.

Guides took immediate actions. Acton Academy do not tolerate any such behaviors or violence within the community nor expose any Eagle to health and safety risk. The community cannot function when there is a safety threat.

So, what kind of community is Acton Academy during crisis times? We kept the information open, and many parents offered help; from sharing of expert resources, contacts of therapists and offers of workshop focused on healing and love.


Still, the Middle School Eagle community was indeed on the verge of breaking down. On Tuesday, they made a mess of the Elementary School studio. They apologized and yet still did it again on Wednesday.


The consequence: our ES Guide banned the use of ES studio during exhibition. No venue for exhibition? And only less than 18 hours to the exhibition!


They accepted the consequence, and took it objectively. “Let’s have it in the gathering. It is the second biggest open space after the ES studio.”. After a few brief exchange of points, they voted “the gathering” unanimously.

No Eagle wanted to give up, they had been working really hard to prepare for their exhibition.


Eagles made continuous changes on their exhibition board. One Eagle figured that it was too complicated, so he made a simple guide book for the audience.

One Eagle had started investing at this tender age of 13. Her track record: 15% return per year. She plans to continue so. With a mere 120k of capital, her spreadsheet shows how it grows exponentially. A millionaire before 30 years old. $65 million at 56 years old. She is discovering the eight wonder of the world—compound interest.


Eagles rehearsed through the debates, skits and boards. They checked through their timings, made sure everything flows. Again, a heated debate whether guests should arrive on-time. But the Eagles figured a middle path—they gave a 15-minute buffer but made reminders.

ActonKL 1st year Anniversary!

On Wednesday, the community celebrated the 1st year anniversary of the founding of Acton Academy KL!

Cakes and a break from all the business and drama!



D-day. The Eagles and audience snuggled in, and started right on 3.15pm. Not a second delay.

“Welcome to Acton Academy’s 4th exhibition.”


Part 1 – Debate

The three debating topics: “Start from the bottom and work your way up or start with a job you hate to do what you love later on?”, “Is College worth the debt?”, and “Will money make you happy & secure?”.

Eagles made their point across. More importantly, they debated closer about what values they uphold—material security or something deeper?


The winning debater, Katelynn, drove a strong point back: “Will wealth really make you happy and secure? At the end of the day, will you remember the happiness you got from buying that expensive car or the happiness you got from spending time with the people loved, cherished and cared about?”

Part 2 – Sketch

With such heavy debate topics, the Eagles entertained the audience with a sketch of how a small business can grow big through the help of the financial services, as well as the people.

Muthu stole the limelight. Kayeen’s rendition of the Indian accent was so hilarious that the crowd burst into laughter. Again and again.


Check out my powderful Indian accent 😛

Part 3 – Personal Finance Game of Life Board

Eagles presented their individual boards to their parents. They exhibited their life today at 25 years old. What sort of financial mantra they take? What job and income they have? What sort of lifestyle and life choices did they make? How about insurance, children and taxes?


They also presented their calculations. Some went deeper by having a full spreadsheet with how their assets might grow, or if they will become a multi-millionaire one day.

One Eagle had a chess tournament. Instead of quitting the exhibition, he used video recording. The process of public rating remained the same. What a way to honor the Quest process of every Eagle and yet respecting their passions and other commitments!


We ended the day with an announcement: Every Eagle will be able to go to the Bank Negara trip tomorrow!

Bank Negara Trip

This section is written by our Eagle Blogger, Gaia!

There was a trip to the Bank Negara Museum this Friday. We qualified for the trip by doing a survey. Although in the beginning Hadiya was the only one who qualified, the requirements were changed and everyone managed to go.


When we got there, the security was very high and we had to go through a lot of checks which included our bags and the boot of the car.


Inside the building we were introduced to Mei Yueh, one of the museum curators. She told us a little bit about the museum and what was on each level.

After that, we headed off into the first section of the museum. There was a huge tunnel where the walls were completely filled with money.


There was a lot of things to see after the tunnel. Such as games, how to identify if money is real and coin coloring. One of the games we played a lot was the investment game.


The second level had all the different types of coins and what was used as currency over the years. Some of the coins we saw was pretty interesting. There was a coin that looked like a rooster. Some valuable items were shown in glass cases. The items that were valuable back then looked like they would be of no value today.


After that, we went to an art gallery in the building that had many paintings of plants and nature related things. The paintings and drawings were very pretty. There was a place at the end called the activities corner where we drew on boards and papers and strung it up on strings.

We finished off the trip by going to the cafe at the ground floor and having lunch there. We went back to school right after.


Eagles ended the Session with sharing the memories they had, lessons learned, as well as Mongolian throat singing and some 3D printer surprises!


See you next Session: Rebuilding + Entrepreneurship Quest!


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