MS Session 4 Week 2 – Day Trip and more!

Eagles worked hard and played harder this week. The week started with literally, a swinging jump!


Two Eagles who won last week’s day trip competition organized an outing to Jumpstreet. But there’s much more this week. Here are the highlights:

  • Day trip to Jumpstreet
  • Starting their “Travel the World” trip plans
  • Starting Civilization, the history & social science component of Acton Academy
  • Focused silent core skills 🙂
  • Orienteering
  • Conference call with a veteran traveler (27 years of traveling!)
  • Celebrating Brien’s birthday
  • Info Session by the Eagles

Day trip to Jumpstreet

How does a learner-driven community organize their Day Trip? 

No adult involvement, except for chauffeuring on a pre-agreed time, arranged via official e-mails.

The organizers were the winning Eagles on last week’s pitch. Organizing was tough work. Consider this: they had to accommodate to various needs, food preferences, parents’ opinions, safety, transport, etc. Not to mention that an inclusion of an educational component too.

The organizers introduced the day with First Aid situations. They used resources from the British Red Cross, and made it fun through simulations and acting.


What do you do when a person faint?

Most importantly, they strived for an important message: Safety First. Jump Street, given the high impact activities, carry the risk of injuries. With safety briefing cleared, the Eagles arrived at Jump Street on-time for the 10.00am opening.


This is your consent form, fill it all up here. Independence in a learner-driven community.

Eagles challenged themselves to games of dodgeball, flips and all sort of actions.


Ready. Go! Dodgeball madness!


Who will be the last one standing?

Plenty of fun and with no hiccups. There were minor injuries, but the Eagles treated themselves through a first aid kit. No adult involvement needed.


I can handle it. First aid from the Eagles for the Eagles.

The Day Trip served an important purpose in this Session. It is an experiential learning on planning and execution, as the bigger project is planning their “Travel the World” plans. Also, it becomes the Eagles writing anchor for the rest of the week.

Starting their “Travel the World” trip plans

Eagles were introduced to this Session main project—planning a multi-day trip. The requirement is a minimum of 4-days if working alone or 9-days if working as a pair. They spent afternoons bouncing ideas off, making the major decisions of the trip: fellow travelers, rough budget, dates and most importantly—the purpose of travel.

In three weeks time, they will be presenting their detailed plans with an appealing brochure in a public exhibition. Also, these plans are meant to be executed this year. Real world scenarios and constraints!


Research. Ideas. Too many ideas… in the age of Internet.


Too ambitious a plan? Or a great learning experience?

Civilization, the history & social science component of Acton Academy

How do we learn history at Acton Academy? Instead of remembering facts, Eagles stand in the shoes of historical figures and ask “what makes civilizations rise and fall?”. This session, we started with the Great Courses: Great Voyages of Explorers.

First, Eagles have to earn their way by answering Ticket Questions, such as: Are human born to travel or stay in one place? Then, they watch a documentary video.


How did the Polynesians populate almost the entire Pacific? With no proper tools of navigation?” Eagles explore the path of old explorers and their voyages with Professor Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius.

Next, Eagles explore deeper by engaging in Socratic Discussions. Finally, they write reflection pieces.

Zero memorization of facts, but plenty of analysis between their daily lives and history. Ultimately, our goal is to hone Eagles with decision-making, through clear thinking and broad exposure.

Focused silent core skills 🙂

Eagles have not been holding their standards. On Wednesday, Guides placed their contracts on the studio floor for reflection.


Will you keep the standards or lower them? Lowering standards meant submitting to authority, such as a classroom that takes order from an adult—a teacher.

An Eagle made a point: why are we here? If we submit to authority means that this is going to traditional school. A clear purpose, coming from the community point them back towards their true north.

Guess what? Eagles made their point through action. They focused, not distracting each other, and had the first block of time doing core skills, silently.


How did the explorers get around the world? During the last two P.E. sessions, Eagles were challenged with concepts of running on compass directions. On Thursday, they started using a compass.


Finding bearings from Point A to Point B


Teaching younger Eagles on how to use a compass

The final challenge includes a three repeating 30-step walk over 120-degree turns. There was an “aha” moment as Eagles realized they walked in a triangle. Any deviation from the original starting point was due to errors. Many did it again, with a deliberate effort to get an exact bearing to get to their starting point.


Walking around in triangles? Here’s geometry, Scoutcraft, and leadership lessons all in one go.

Video conference with Roberto

We had the privilege of a video conference with Roberto, a seasoned nomad with continuous 27 years of traveling. He called in from Montevideo, Uruguay.

The Eagles were introduced through Mr. Jia’s book. With some background knowledge, they huddled together and grilled Roberto with many questions!


Do you think you will ever regret, for not doing what most people do—settling down, getting married, etc? Eagles probed with curiosity.


Can you give 5 advice to a fellow traveler? What are the 5 things you will bring?

Brien’s Birthday

The first birthday this year was Brien’s. Typical to Acton’s tradition, he moved around the candle (which represents the sun) as his mom, Aunty Selina shared stories of him growing up.


When I was younger…


Happy Birthday, Brien!

Info Session

Acton Academy is a learner-driven community. So, who runs the show when prospective families come to visit? The Eagles of course!


Eagles answered audience questions and demonstrated to potential families on what it means to be a self-governing community. “How do you make SMART goals?”, “What is Eagle Buck?”…

What a week!


Eagles reflected this week, measured in comfort/ challenge and danger zone. Growth and learning happens in challenge zones!


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