ES Session 7, Weeks 3 & 4

Over Weeks 3 and 4, much had happened in the ES Studio!

This sprint is the most chaotic sprint we have experienced so far. The studio is sometimes
absolutely topsy turvy. The Eagles’ energy level soared and dipped frequently.
The intentionality level was unpredictable on many days. In many ways, it was
like rebuilding the tribe again. Many, many discussions were spent reflecting
on our practices – keeping promises, being kind, finding focus, practicing grit
and discovering joy. How can we constantly challenge our fellow travelers to
make this studio a better place? Despite the ups and downs, we will keep
working on it until we get there!

Every Eagle committing to one promise for the day! 

In Project Time,
we were very blessed to have Auntie Ii Ling come share her experience on green
architecture – design, construction practices, building materials and energy efficiency.
The Eagles absolutely loved the video and were very inspired by the many cool
sustainable buildings around the world! Look out for green elements in the
Eagles’ final school designs. Thank you so much Auntie Ii Ling for reminding us
to always think of how our actions can affect the environment around us!

Feedback session with Auntie Ii Ling on our young architects’ drawings

Not only that, our Eagles and families also went on a walking tour around the old city center
of KL to learn a little bit about Malaysian history through the architecture of
old buildings. Thank you so much Dennis for taking the time and effort to lead
this tour for our Eagles! For many of them, it was their first time walking
around town and discovering interesting facts about our city. It was a lot of
fun for us! 🙂

More train rides and walking tours, please! 

Abhi, our little tour guide for Sri Mahamariamman Temple, and his entourage

Guys, if you are interested to walk around KL, do check out Rakan KL at the following link. It is a volunteer run organization to educate the public on the preservation of
our fast-vanishing architectural, cultural, social and historical heritage of

This week, the Eagles continued their research, revised their blueprint drawings and some even
started building their dream school models. We also watched various videos on how
to improve our drawings, how to build a conducive learning environment and how to
innovate our designs. One of the most interesting discussions we had was whether
or not architects should strive for innovation – risks versus rewards. There
were many interesting answers and one led to our youngest Eagle asking, “When
did architecture begin?” Thank you Eagles for staying curious and positive even
though this sprint has been challenging!

And the building process begins..

On a not so positive note, Miss Caryn had to call off a field trip. 🙁 Initially, we were going to visit a new and
hip co-working space to learn more about how interior design can help increase learning
and collaborative work. To earn the trip, we challenged each other to be intentional
for a day but sadly, we failed to do so. It was a really tough decision for me
as this trip did not come easy. It has been a big challenge to find organizations
and people who are willing to share or create learning experiences for our
young Eagles. I really hope that one day, our community will learn to believe
in the capabilities and potential of children. Because it was a promise and a
deal with the community, I must keep my word and cancel the trip. The Eagles
need to learn that our actions come with consequences and privileges come with responsibilities.
Mummies and daddies, thank you for building the right habits with our Eagles at
home too!

Outside the studio, the new sports kit has been a big hit! Eagles are seen dribbling,
kicking and throwing balls every day in the garden. Mr. Neighbor, thank you for
being so patient with our balls flying over the fence every other day. J Some Eagles were very intrigued by the okras
and mulberries in the garden this week. One liked the furry texture of the okra
skin, one tasted his first mulberry ever, and another realized that we now have
corns! The wonders of nature! But, Miss Caryn still needs to work on bribing
them to weed the garden shh.

How many times can you bounce the ball? 

Let me feel the texture of this okra

The highlight of the week must be Max’s and Dr.
Ewe’s birthday celebrations! We were very entertained by Uncle Sim’s stories
and photos of Max’s childhood and of course, our tummies were extremely happy
with Auntie See Ming’s yummy cupcakes.


Happy 10th Birthday, Max!


Dr. Ewe had a surprise birthday party and was
gifted with a pie-in-the-face by the MS Eagles. It was definitely a memorable
one. Happy Birthday, Dr. Ewe! We hope you enjoyed the surprise.

Ready, set, PIE!

See everyone in
Week 5!


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