ES Session 6, Week 3

We are halfway through Session 6! Three more weeks to our first ever Children’s Business Fair! All of our young Eagles have submitted their business plans. Get ready to be surprised! 🙂

We started our Monday morning with a short clip of Buzz Lightyear and his famous phrase “To Infinity and Beyond”. That sparked a discussion on motivation and challenges. As Eagles and aspiring entrepreneurs, how do we go above and beyond every day? How do we rise to every challenge like Buzz? We also reminded ourselves of Growth Mindset and challenged each other to practice it throughout the week. Not easy at all!


How do we overcome obstacles that come our way?

This week, we learned a little about Book Reviews to help our reading comprehension. All of our Eagles had a go at reviewing a book of their choice. The aim of this activity is to help a child recognize the different elements in a book and to give him or her the opportunity to express an opinion through writing. We will be doing more of this over the next couple of weeks to slowly nurture of enjoyment of it *fingers crossed*.


Where is Mr. Small’s house?

“Grammarly” must be highlight of the week for our Eagles. An Eagle started to write a short story on this software and soon after, everyone wanted to write a short story too! It was truly contagious. I grabbed the golden chance to review the 5 steps of writing: Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing and Publishing. Eagles first created a mind map brainstorming of all their ideas and then translated them into stories. After that, they got feedback from their fellow Eagles to edit their pieces. The first short story completed in our studio is “Capture the Gun” by Chucky. Do ask Chucky about it when you see him!


Chucky’s feedback session from his fellow Eagles

Throughout the week, Eagles continued to work on the E-ship Quest, making their way through Identity Island. We learned to put ourselves in our customer’s shoes and evaluate if our business idea is attractive or not. We explored different ways to attract customers and also began to create an identity for our business by designing the logos and slogans. Then, all the ES and MS Eagles got together and shared their designs with each other for feedback. Thank you MS Eagles for asking our young ones such tough questions! It was definitely a good learning experience for them.

Here’s an inspiring video about BeeSweet Lemonade which we watched and analysed together:


Will my customers buy this? Is there a need? 

On Friday, all the
Eagles went on a field trip to The Good Batch café at Damansara Uptown to hear about
how Miss Caroline started her journey in the F&B world, ways she branded
the different outlets, and also tips on attracting customers over the years. We
ended the outing with yummy food and drinks at the café! Thank you Miss
Caroline for inspiring us and also reminding us to always do our research
thoroughly before setting up our businesses!


“What do you think of my logo and slogan?”


Aspiring entrepreneurs 🙂

Despite having kicked off the week with Growth Mindset on Monday, every Eagle realized that the intentionality in our studio was extremely low this week. In their words, “It is two thumbs down.” There were lots of chaos, half-hearted work and distractions. In Townhall Meeting, the Eagles decided that they could do better
and voted to remove Free Time every day until they are ready to step up and be responsible for their actions. Thank you Eagles for recommitting yourselves to this journey together!

We are sailing forward to Unit Economics Island next week!


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