ES Session 5, Week 3

This past week was a busy and joyful one at Acton KL. We started the week by sharing our fears and how we can overcome them. A few of our Eagles were afraid of dirt and wanted to conquer that fear. When I heard that, I thought to myself, “Gosh! It must have been an absolute horror when we launched the Community Garden Quest.” It was very admirable that despite that fear, they wanted to try and get dirty. By mid-week, the fear seemed to have poofed off. Everyone was happily playing without gloves and shoes, and getting themselves covered in soil. Adults, time to face our fears too! 🙂


“Look at me! I am the Earth!” says one of the Eagles

During the Town Hall meeting two Fridays ago, our Eagles suggested and voted for two ideas to improve our community.

a) In order to increase focus during Core Skills, every Eagle sits at a designated table.

b) We end every day in gratitude with Character Call-Outs time.

On Monday, we started implementing these ideas. The Eagles were definitely very determined to stay focused and not get distracted by their friends or themselves. It was interesting to watch them try to achieve that goal by constantly reminding themselves and their friends to focus. “Shh! Focus!” was heard every so often.
Nevertheless, at the end of the week, everyone was really happy because they managed to get more work done. It is now called “Silent Core Skills Time”,
inspired by our MS Eagles. Let us see if this tradition continues this coming week. *fingers and toes crossed*

Silent Core Skills Time

Out in the garden, we experimented and learned about the different types of soil and their effects on our plants. We will be putting these knowledge to use when we start planting in our vegetable bed this coming week. Not only that, the Eagles also wrote their first science experiment report on this and some of them did well! I
was pleasantly surprised that the reports were rather structured and detailed for a first attempt yay. 🙂 More reports shall be coming their way for practice!

Which soil has the best drainage?


We also went to the park to collect leaves to learn about their classification – veins, shapes, edges, arrangements, textures and colors. Quite a challenge but the Eagles had fun by having a feast while plucking leaves in the garden. We will be learning more about the different plant classifications in the coming weeks.

“Look at at what we found!” 

This week, we unveiled our new online Journey Tracker, a powerful SMART Goal setting platform. Earlier this year, fellow ES Eagles in the US gave their input on what would make a powerful system and after months of development, it is now ready for use! Our young Eagles can now independently check their goals and daily points to make sure that they are on track. They are still getting used to the system but hopefully by the end of this session, they would be pros at it. 🙂

Setting daily goals on my Journey Tracker

We ended the week with a fun workshop with Auntie Rosalind and Uncle Terry! Uncle Terry led a presentation and discussion on the 3Rs & 1U – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Upcycle while Auntie Rosalind led an Upcycling workshop with our Eagles. After an hour, they came up with many interesting creations using household items collected from all of our ES families. Thank you so much everyone for being a part of this! 🙂 Dear parents, do remind our Eagles from time to time about
recycling and upcycling trash at home.

Jellyfish or plastic bag?

 Auntie Rosalind sharing a fun fact about CDs

Two more weeks to go till our next exhibition!


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