ES Session 2 Week 2 (Year 1, Week 2)

Week 2 started off with an introduction to setting SMART Goals (S-Specific, M-Measurable, A-Achievable, R-Relevant, T-Timely). Our Elementary School Eagles are teaming up with the Middle School Eagle Buddies to work on their SMART goals together. This support group will meet at least twice a week on Mondays and Fridays to discuss their goals. Through this Eagle Buddies system, we hope that the younger and older Eagles can get to know one another and eventually, be a powerful resource to provide guidance and support to each other. Also, throughout this past week, in order to increase intentionality in our studio, each Eagle spent five to ten minutes every day during lunch break with Miss Caryn to reflect upon his/ her daily goals and challenges.


Eagle Buddies at work! Thank you Aqeesha, Katelynn & Kyosha for helping us


SMART goals for the week 


Our youngest Eagle’s goal for this week 

For Core Skills Time, Eagles were exposed to various learning programs such as Lexia Core5 for reading, Typing Club for typing and Khan Academy and Dreambox for Math. They really enjoyed themselves during Core Skills time, collecting points, leveling up and racing each other in the different programs. For our younger Eagles, they also worked on Literacy activities with Miss Caryn.


Focus during Core Skills Time


Literacy activities with our younger Eagles 


Outside the studio, Mr. Jia had our Eagles throwing “spears” at the park. They each drew an animal of their choice on a box and we called it the target. Then, they established some safety rules before the game started. Eagles took turns to throw rocks, sticks, fruits and bamboo sticks at the target, while giving tips to each other on how to throw and aim better. More fun coming next week!


Warming up with Mr. Jia 


Eagles drawing their targets 


Ready, set, throw! 


Every day this past week, Eagles worked on creating the Studio Contract. First, we brainstormed to come up with many promises that we may want to try out. Then, we nominated and voted for the promises that we would like to implement for the week before finalizing the promises for our Studio Contract. It is a long process and it requires much patience, truthfulness, communication, kindness and perseverance from the Eagles as they learn to work and build this community together before the end of Sprint 1. It will be challenging but I am sure we will learn and grow from it.


Studio Contract in progress


In the midst of all the hard work, lunch and game time together always help the Eagles recharge and relax.


Nom, nom, nom


Tribe-building games 

During Project Time this week, we discussed the concept of Excellence. We started the discussion with this powerful video of Austin’s Butterfly:

At Acton, we believe that everyone can be excellent if we keep trying and giving our best. Here are some important questions we always ask ourselves and the Eagles:

  1. Is this my best work?
  2. Is this better than last time?
  3. How does my work compare to a world-class example?
  4. Am I ready for the public exhibition?

By the end of the discussion, the Eagles were inspired and believed that they could do better in their work. We trust that with time, the Eagles will be able to judge Excellence in all that they do.

As part of their Excellence workshop, each Eagle has chosen a project to work on for the next couple of weeks and will be shared at the upcoming Public Exhibition.


Eagles enjoying their Excellence projects 


Whenever Eagles complete a draft, they will ask, receive and respond to feedback from their peers. It has been very encouraging to watch them enthusiastically help one another improve their work.



A younger Eagle helping an older Eagle with his drawing

Following the Excellence workshop, the Eagles requested for an additional filming of the Lip Dub. They compared their video to those made by Eagles in other Acton campuses around the world, discussed areas for improvement and set off to work. Their hard work is beginning to pay off collectively and the energy for Lip Dub was much higher this week. One step closer to completing the Lip Dub video!



Eagles reviewing their previous Lip Dub video

At Acton, we hold Town Meetings once a week to make decisions together when we have a community issue or celebration. This week, the Eagles had their first Town Meeting. They discussed and decided as a group to bring up one issue and successfully came up with two solutions by the end of the meeting.


Everyone discussing and filling in the Town Meeting request form 

On Friday, Eagles ended their week with Character Call-outs. It is an Acton tradition to celebrate and acknowledge our Fellow Travelers’ efforts and values. Eagles called out each other for their friendship, kindness and helpfulness this week. What an uplifting way to end Week 2! 🙂


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