My First Reflection of Our Eagles

We started the Acton KL Elementary School with a 2-week Literacy Program for three of our younger Eagles and personally, there has just been so much to learn.

1. Children understand much more than we think

There were a couple of days when the Eagles were more restless and less interested to learn their phonics. As I set the timer to mark the end of playtime, I took a step back and allowed them to play and be in their zone. When the timer beeped,  the Eagles continued to play but after a while, they realized that Miss Caryn was just sitting and observing. They quietened down and were now ready for phonics again. I proceeded to ask them “How did we focus today?”, and they answered unanimously “Not very well. We will try harder”, without prompting or intervention from me. I was so amazed that at such a tender age, they knew that they were purposefully getting distracted. After that, we started our next activity and they were fully focused.  

On another occasion, during our 15-minute snack break, the Eagles were given a choice to continue playing or have their snack. They chose to play. At the end of the break, an Eagle asked “Can we still eat now?” and soon realized that they had to face the consequence of their decision and miss snack time. Inside, I thought to myself “Is this the right thing to do? Is it too harsh for my 6-year-olds?” but decided to let them struggle and learn from the experience. Later that day, an Eagle’s mom shared with me that our Eagle had come home in high spirits and said to her “Everything we do is a choice.” My heart swelled.

The past two weeks have reinforced my belief that children do understand and can learn so much more when we trust in them to make decisions.


Eagles hard at work


Eagles’ morning activity at the park


Storytelling time in the tent

2. The importance of a like-minded community

Last weekend, we had a potluck gathering for all of our ES families. It was really heartwarming to see everyone come together and have a good time, even though for most, it was their first time meeting each other. Thank you all so much for the yummy food and for cleaning up with us!

As we sat in a circle listening to everyone’s hopes for the school and the Eagles, it really reminded me that this journey will be worth it. However, given our societal norms and general perception of a good and right education for our children, it will be challenging in many ways.

But, with this community, I strongly feel that we will be able to support each other and share with the wider public that there is a different form of education which works.


Parents and guides sharing our hopes for the school and the Eagles


ES families enjoying  the yummy food at our potluck


Eagles bonding through a game of Bingo

Thank you all for joining us in this mission! See you bright and early on Monday!

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