Entrepreneurship Quest. Sprint 6 Week 2

Last week, we described the start of a Sprint as the Sun touches the Earth. Full of magic. Full of life. And potentially full of power (especially if your father tell you that you will own his empire).

With great power comes great responsibility. How do you explain that to a privileged child?

You can’t. Because the child will sing something like “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King.”

The Eagles were pitching for their Children’s Business Fair (CBF) ideas this week. Their naive desire and dreams will triumph over the realities of preparation, work, and discipline. The idea stage, the gloriest idea stage is filled with childlike wonder. They aspire to the grandeur of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. Then, there’s the benefit of a positive experience. It’s their second CBF, and many had raked hundreds of ringgit of revenue last year. Also, this event is in a public space with the far bigger audience. Big potential customers. Bigger potential profits. So, the thought of “my business idea must be awesome” hung in many of our Eagles head. The question we asked (this sprint): Does the idea determine the business?

This week is really about asking that question genuinely, with a heavy emphasis on image and marketing. Here’s a young learning community that is just stretching themselves to grow and discover hidden abilities. Oh, double doses of ice skating and a making sandwiches for Rumah Hope!

CBF Ideas

Does the idea determine the business? Eagles explored the entrepreneurship world further this week. They learned more about various entrepreneur heroes. The wide-ranging personalities and their different ventures expanded their horizons. Being an entrepreneur can mean something more.

“A business is not all about making profits.”
“We can help ppl and solve a problem from our business.”
“I never knew that many children don’t get to go to school. These entrepreneurs are helping so many of them. I am grateful for what I have.”
“Children should try as many ideas as they can because when they become adults, they get scared.”

Discussing it through…

This week, the Eagles focused on image and marketing. It started with an unusual activity—a blindfold taste experiment. They were blindfolded and then given different sweets. As they tasted it, they reflected if the taste reminded them of specific brands. When it comes to the success of a business, which is more important: the product itself, or what you think the product is?

It was a curious moment of discovery.

Smelling it…
Discussing taste. What was that?

The next challenge: bringing the idea of the image into their CBF ideas. But wait, each Eagle had to come up with a business idea. They brainstormed and researched for CBF ideas. How do they know it’s a good idea?

The best way to find out is to create a prototype. The Eagles prototyped fast. In between, they discussed with questions that will help their business grow.
“What’s your logo like?“
“Are you selling one or many different products?”

A handy reference: Ayub wearing a lego shirt with many different LEGO logo designs.

There’s still plenty of work to be done as Eagles had to finalize their name, their idea, their business logo and also booth design. Just less than one month to the Children Business Fair!

Ice Skating with a 6-year-old Guide. Wait, a 6-year-old?

The Elementary School Eagles had a double dose of ice skating this week. With seven lessons in their belt, some are becoming skillful. But the Guides, Ms. Caryn, and Ms. Florence were still new to ice skating.

Here’s how a 6-year-old and a 9-year-old Eagle led them.

“First remove the cone (that’s supporting you)!”
“Next, try to balance like this. Take small steps.”
“Once you are comfortable—just go to the middle of the rink!”

“You got to learn how to fall; here’s how to do it safely!”
“You got to get up and try again.”

And then, magic! This happened:

Ms. Caryn shared her learnings: to go out of the comfort zone; you got to keep challenging yourself. Oh, and it’s OK to fall, even in front of your “students” 😛

A Community Life

Sometimes, it’s just nice to share a few random pictures of Eagles’ daily lives…

Eating in the rain

Eating in the sun

Eating in a long table

Inside joke: Aiya, Malaysia is all about Makan.

Solving a Problem together

Not a big problem; just figuring out who is going to be the “catcher” 😛

Big Sandwich Preparation

One of the activities in the E-Ship sprint is the big sandwich-making event! The MS Eagles made the estimation and purchased all the ingredients for 300 sandwiches.

The first step is to boil all the eggs. 300 299 of them. Oops, the Eagles dropped one egg!

Then, the ES Eagles joined in to create a massive task force to prepare the sandwiches. There is the bread & butter station, salad station, removing the egg peeling station and the egg mayo filling station. Then, it all comes together through an assembling belt.

ActonKL will deliver the sandwiches to Rumah Hope tomorrow morning, right before the Rumah Hope Carnival Day. It will be the human fuel for their event’s volunteers and staff!

Middle School Eagles making the egg mayo filling
Elementary School Eagles glazing the bread with margarine
Step 1: lay the lettuce on a glazed bread (glazed to ensure the fillings doesn’t sog the bread).
Step 2: Add the fillings
Step 3: Bring it together
No kidding. 300 sandwiches!

OK, not 300 because some Eagles did ask: “Can we please have some bread?”

Back to “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King”…

Can a privileged child take responsibility? Yes, only if he faces the natural consequence and learn.

In the context of CBF: please let children have the experience of CBF. Let them experience the Three Seeds of entrepreneurship.

Let the children experience their Hero’s Journey. They might face hyenas. They might meet an evil uncle. And the hardest enemy of all, they will confront their shadows and demons. But it is the only way that they will grow courageous and strong. And be a King of their exuberant lives.


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