Animation Quest – 2018/19 Sprint 1 Week 4

It’s week 4 of our animation quest and the ES Eagles have made big strides in working together.

For the ES Eagles, project time is finally no more a pain for them. We see the spark in some groups now and friction has lessened after the big discussion on how to work together and how to delegate work. The leadership session on empathy also had an impact — the Eagles understood that we are all different, that different is good, and diversity creates effective teams. Very interesting and funny to watch Eagles with similar personalities work together. In the beginning of the leadership session, Eagles were saying, “Omg I don’t like my team. This is so tough. Why can’t people just work together.” After the debrief the narrative turned into: “In our next team work, can you please plan more? Can you not bulldoze us?”.

By the end of the week, the ES Eagles were working quickly! Here’s a picture of the ES Eagles building a tower made of spaghetti for the empathy session.

Here’s a picture of an ES Eagle who offered to be a leader for dance practice without being asked to do so.

This week we had a very productive and quiet Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) session! Eagles were all engrossed in their books. When reflecting on highs and lows, most Eagles shared “This is one of the best DEAR time we have had!! Most of the time, I don’t want to read but today, I was so into the book that I didn’t want to put it down.”

An ES Eagle also took the initiative to print the lyrics of Negaraku to learn it at home. That’s really great.

Hafiz, Gibran’s dad who is an animation industry expert to come in to give mentorship to all the Eagles. He went through all the storyboards and gave feedback, tips and ideas. Special thanks to Hafiz!

The Eagles were hard at work with their storyboards!

If you’re curious what the Eagles have produced thus far, head on to:

Then there’s sports day! Where everyone had fun and some didn’t want to go home. Special thanks to the organizers, especially See Ming!

To cap it all off it was Gaia’s birthday!

Happy birthday Gaia! To an awesome next week!


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