Cooking / Community Garden / Personal Finances 2020 Sprint 4 Exhibition

Running a household is complicated and often young adults step into it not knowing where to start. From a young age, Acton Eagles explore and practise practical skills that they can apply to their lives. This Sprint the three studios at ActonKL were challenged with the questions: What goes on in the kitchen? What goes on in the garden? And how will we manage our finances when we become independent?

Acton Academy KL’s second-ever Virtual Exhibition went live at 9 am and feedback was open until 4.30 pm. If you haven’t had a chance to visit, do so and marvel all the Eagles’ discoveries and experiments via this link!


Preschool Studio (PS) Cooking  Exhibition

This Sprint, the Preschool Studio explored cooking and all that it entails, including measurement, following instructions, sequencing and even literacy (reading the recipe or writing their own recipe). The Exhibition challenge was to think of their favourite dish, write down its recipe and recreate it for hungry patrons to savour, all while informing them of how to create the dish.

Due to the fact that this Exhibition became a Virtual one, the Preschool Eagles also had to pick up the skills of creating a cooking video complete with clear instructions, visible steps and delectable-looking culinary creations. The PS Eagles rose to the challenges and presented us with truly mouthwatering videos.

Alessa took us through the steps to make naturally sweet, healthy Blueberry Popsicles.
Akira sequenced the steps to make her Surprise Cookies which were as colourful as her recipe.

Dhilan showed off his cooking skills, especially with the knife, when he made Fried Rice!
Kasper created a visual presentation of the ingredients and recipe he needed to make his favourite lemon cake.

Myra blasted us away with her Thunderblast!
Adelle sequenced out the steps to make delicious Chocolate Doughnuts in her very detailed visual recipe.

Arden’s Nutella Pretzel Milkshake was a big hit, as was his video presentation!
Asher drew a diagram of the sequence to make Popsicles.

Moez made mouthwatering Mac ‘n’ Cheese with easy-to-follow steps.
Azalea and Aaralyn were very systematic when it came to making their Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies.

Johanna’s systematic video showcasing how to make ham and grilled cheese sandwiches showcased her calm instructional manner.

Visit the site for the full recipes and videos!

Elementary Studio (ES) Community Garden Exhibition

The Elementary Eagles examined the question, “Can a garden grow itself?” What goes into creating and maintaining a garden, including the creatures that help the garden ecosystem and those that harm it?

To answer these questions, the Elementary Eagles became gardeners – planting, maintaining and raising their own plants diligently. They also became plant scientists – looking into aspects like photosynthesis, capillary action, germination and pollination.

The ES Eagles’ Exhibition Challenge was twofold – to produce an informative piece about different aspects of gardening and garden creatures and then to create a slideshow to bring the information to life.

Xania examined the life cycle of a butterfly because she felt butterflies are important to the garden as pollinators.
Chelsea looked into the reproductive system of flowers … a fascinating topic not commonly discussed.
Jasmine took us through fun and interesting facts about butterflies.
Vega looked into beautiful butterflies and what amazing creatures they are!
Sufyan showed viewers how important and easy Urban Farming can be.
Lucas presented an informative and eye-catching exploration into seeds and germination.
Xavi took viewers through the interesting world of seeds in his own quirky way.
Apsara presented a detailed multi-media exploration into the world of butterflies.
Chucky’s photographic journal captured the eye and took us along on his gardener’s journey.
Kotowa educated us about organic vegetables and fruits and what it really means.
Zulayca’s exploration into bees was information-packed.
Arjun’s impassioned plea to save the bees showed that his motivation to find out more reflected his love for nature.
Zuhair got us all abuzz with interesting facts about bees and how they pollinate flowers.
Clara fascinated with her interesting plant mythbusters presented in a cute storyline.
Jared was ‘visited’ by a praying mantis so this truly interesting creature became his focus.

Visit the site for the full recipes and videos!


Middle School (MS) Personal Finance Exhibition

The Middle School Eagles looked at Personal Finance this Sprint to prepare them to thrive in the real world by thinking deeply and carefully about their future financial goals and how to achieve them.

The MS Eagles delved deeply into both helpful and destructive ways that money can influence their lives. They projected what the cost of living might look like when they become independent, how they plan to allocate their money, whether it is worth going to college and many more pressing financial topics tp get them into financially savvy mindsets.

Major Financial Decision Debates

The MS Eagles chose major financial decisions to debate over and realised that even decisions that didn’t seem related to finances were actually deeply intertwined, like how large a family to grow.

It used to be that college was THE next step after school. Nowadays, it is a huge expense and the question is … is it really worth it?
Money Management is a huge issue and people have different opinions about how to go about it.
To be as practical as possible , the brain must take lead over the heart.


Each MS Eagle explored the meaning of money, then researched into and planned their financial futures according to what they projected for themselves. They factored in the careers they wished to pursue versus the lifestyles they wished for themselves.

The Eagles were also challenged to pitch for their ‘dream jobs’, providing proof of talent and passion and outlining which apprenticeships and college degrees they would need to prepare for their chosen careers.

After mapping out his personal finance projections, Andre was very honest in his self-reflections.
Hadiya broke down every aspect of her future life to see how much each aspect would cost.
Aqueesha’s cool Game of Life graphic brought personal finances to life even as she pondered important matters.

Visit the site for the full recipes and videos!

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