Weekly Updates
Preschool / Spark Studio (PS) Update
Maintaining High Standards
Conflict Resolution
The Eagles had a conflict over the trampoline. Some Eagles stayed in the trampoline for an indefinite length of time and others did not get a turn.
The Eagles were able to express how they felt and get the message across that it was unfair. The Eagles who heard the message understood the feelings of unfairness and came down from the trampoline, making way for others to use it. There was no grown up intervention with the suggestion to use a timer, just peaceful, Eagle-led communication.
Quest: Rocket Science
Observation Booklet – Heavy LIfting – The Eagles are so close to finally rescuing the Shopkins from the deepest hole in the world, using rockets! This week, they will test out the strength of the rockets by using them to lift weights – wooden clothes pegs! (Each small Shopkin weighs one peg, while a big Shopkin weighs 2 pegs.)
Weekly Reflection
At the end of every week, the Studio will gather for a weekly reflection to share about their feelings and thoughts of how the week went.
SH – My favourite time for this week is the Quest Time.
SO – My favourite time was the Eagles Buck Store.
AA – I liked it when we played Hide and Seek.
IA – I liked the Eagle Buck Store and the Quest Time.
Weekly Elementary Studio (ES) Update
Exhibition Prep
The ES Eagles kept busy working on their Exhibition Preparations, putting the final touches on their Writer’s Workshop pieces and building and testing their rockets.
The Eagles continued to face challenges and failures while trying to build and successfully launch their rockets.
“I don’t know what to do anymore, it keeps failing.”
“Help me! I don’t know what to do!”
“This is frustrating!”
“It still doesn’t work!”
Finally, an Eagle and her buddy settle on one method and made change to their rocket size and design.
“Yay! It worked! We did it three times and it worked!”
Hero Sharing
This Sprint, we had Professor Tan talk to the Eagles about his Hero’s Journey – the endeavors, failures and triumphs he went through trying to launch a rocket. The Eagles were eager to hear his sharing and watched the video of the successful launch of his rocket, Boleh One with wide eyes.
Some questions that the Eagles asked:
Q: What was the largest rocket that you have launched?
A: 5 metres tall, probably 5 times your height.
Q: What was the smallest?”
A: 1 metre. That one travelled at the speed of sound.
Q: How high has your rocket gone?
A: 3 times the height of the Petronas Twin Towers.
Q: What fuel did you use to launch your rockets?
A: Cakes (laugh) pieces of cake. (Studio laughs)
The Eagles were unsuccessful in getting Professor Tan to tell them what he used. Thank you Professor Tan for inspiring our Eagles and sharing your Hero’s Journey with us.