Guides ActonKL

ES Session 7, Week 5

The final week of school is here! I can’t believe it has already been a year. We kicked off Monday by listing down all the to-dos for the week and then, identifying what needed to be done first. We are all ready and pumped up for the week! In P.E., we had the last badminton

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ES Session 7, Weeks 3 & 4

Over Weeks 3 and 4, much had happened in the ES Studio! This sprint is the most chaotic sprint we have experienced so far. The studio is sometimes absolutely topsy turvy. The Eagles’ energy level soared and dipped frequently. The intentionality level was unpredictable on many days. In many ways, it was like rebuilding the

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ES Session 7, Week 2

This week, we had a new Eagle join our community. Welcome, Sufyan and family! 🙂 For Project Time, the Eagles continued their research as architects to come up with their dream Acton Academy. We learned about the different systems of measurements available, the importance of using a consistent system across the world and finally, ways

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ES Session 7, Week 1

Welcome back Eagles and Parents! Can’t believe it is already our last session for this academic year. Thank you so much for the thrilling adventure so far. Session 7 started with a little bit of fun with our Parents’ Day celebration at the park. Perfect time to burn off all the calories from the Hari

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ES Session 6, Week 6

Final week before the big day! The studio was buzzing with enthusiasm as our Eagles wrapped up their preparation work for the Children’s Business Fair. We kicked off the week by listing down all our goals and setting strict datelines for them. Everyone was ready to give their best – ready, set, go! Outside the

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ES Session 6, Week 5

Week 5 was an extremely short week as the guides and many middle schoolers were down with a flu bug. As a result, the school had to be closed for a couple of days. Thankfully, everyone is recovering well and will be up and about in no time! The week started with an engaging discussion

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ES Session 6, Week 4

We launched the new week with a discussion on excellence. “Is Excellence a skill or an attitude?” The Eagles voted, supported their choices and defined excellence in our studio. One said, “Excellence is being able to do something extremely well.” Another said, “When we are in the challenge zone and we try our best always,

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ES Session 6, Week 3

We are halfway through Session 6! Three more weeks to our first ever Children’s Business Fair! All of our young Eagles have submitted their business plans. Get ready to be surprised! 🙂 We started our Monday morning with a short clip of Buzz Lightyear and his famous phrase “To Infinity and Beyond”. That sparked a

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ES Session 6, Week 2

We started the week with Eagles sharing their updated business plans and prototypes with each other. Over the weekend, many have brainstormed for new business ideas and changed their business plans. I wonder how much more changes can happen till our Eagles submit their final business plans. 🙂 Be ready to be surprised at the

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