DTP Week 3 Day 1!

The heroes have been looking forward to today. They are visiting Google (Malaysia HQ)!

Before the visit, they compiled the question they would like to ask Google and made thank you cards:

Off we go to Google Malaysia!

The heroes feeling the Google engine. This is a live board of the current top searches in Malaysia!

First stop: free drinks station.

Heroes ready for a talk by Rahayu, the Google Education Program Manager.

An enthusiastic crowd with plenty of questions… ranging from Google’s history to bitcoin and various technologies.

The highlight of the day is… free food!

Heroes enjoying the food. Mmm… second helping.

A tour around the Google offices. No photos allowed, but the heroes observe how Googlers work in an open office environment.

The end of the tour is a chill-out corner.

One of the questions asked was:”How can you concentrate is such a cool office?”

Many thanks to Rahayu and Amir for hosting the Acton KL heroes @Google!
WhatsApp Image 2016-08-02 at 2.10.41 PM

We asked heroes how did they feel about the trip. They said: “It was epic!”

Back to Acton. The community wanted to find ways to actively support a struggling hero. Last Friday, they have decided to listen to his views and find ways to help together. His mom had been courageous in sharing her journey on Facebook page. As a step towards an empathetic learners community, we invited her to share her learnings with the heroes. It was also an opportunity for our hero to open up. She shared some tips about anger management. It was a good time to reflect each others’ ways of dealing with anger.


The challenge now is whether the community and the hero can step up and make a better future. It is not an easy path, but it is a choice that every community member at ActonKL has to make.

We end the day celebrating hero K’s birthday. As he moved around the birthday candle 12 times, he shared his journey around the world. The heroes had a glimpse of his unique global upbringing!

Of course, pizzas go well with birthday celebrations!

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