DTP Week 4 Day 3!

The heroes started a debate to this question: “What’s the hardest part of a Hero’s Journey?”
A) courage to take the first step
B) persevering after struggle

In a Socratic Discussion, there are no right answers. First, we start with votes, and then the group had to discuss through based on the Rules of Engagement. The role of a guide is to ask question to push the energy. The vote remained 50-50. There were plenty of good points and disagreements.


15 minutes later, the vote still remained 50-50, but 4 persons changed votes. Jeff said that a perfect Socratic Discussion is one which started with 50-50 and end with 50-50 but with everyone switching side. Still much work, but the heroes have made good progress.

Next, the heroes made their Exhibition Declaration. Each of them has a commitment to ONE single goal on the Exhibition Day. The pressure is high to perform.


With a clear vision in mind and a great accountability system at both the individual and community level, our heroes worked on their projects diligently.



They worked hard and played hard.


Lunch time was dominated by the heroes focusing on chess. The game drew the crowd to the floor instead of the tables. Odd choices, but at Acton — we respect (most) heroes’ choices.


During the afternoon, the heroes had a feel of the luxury world through Ms. Jeanette, who was a brand manager for Gucci Malaysia. She brought the various bags and high fashion items. Even the packaging paper was exciting!


Oh, Gucci!

The heroes also had to figure how to solve some tough social moments. Interesting scenarios involving convincing a hair dye or going for a fun camp. Great work from Ms Jeanette!


Finally, we celebrate hero E’s birthday a week earlier. As usual of Acton’s tradition, Uncle Larry shared his son’s journey each year as hero E circles the candle (sun). The heroes get to experience a few recordings of his piano recital.


We end the day with character callouts and a thank you gift to Ms Jeanette, in which our birthday boy did the honors.


Hero E’s family also brought gifts and cupcakes for every hero. The heroes were so excited that they sang Happy Birthday twice!

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A day of hard work, fun, inspiration, and good food. Wooh! 9 more days to Exhibition Day!




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