DTP Week 5 Day 2!

The heroes started the day with this video. There are few characters in the hero’s journey—running partner, guide, guardrails, and role models. The question: what role do your parents play in your journey?

Guardrails got the majority of the vote. The heroes reflected upon their choices—indeed, parents played an important but varying roles in their hero’s journey.

Back to Project Time.

The Edible Garden was guided by one of the parents, Patricia. She showed the heroes how to make good use of the soil.



The mural art team had been struggling with painting detailed buildings. Perhaps, they did not know painting buildings is going to be this hard. Guides stepped in by offering a choice: do you choose to change plans or stick with the existing plans? What are the consequences of each choice?

Eventually, they opted to change. It was painful to restart, but we fail early, cheaply and often at Acton.


Games time was a test on the Sports Games Kit: Three games was selected – frisbee, dodgeball and capteh. Besides having fun, the heroes literally demonstrated which games suit them more!



Oh, check out the size of the kit 😛


During the afternoon, we had Adeno, a trainer who has few years of experience in Design Thinking, to check out the heroes’ projects. The heroes also had a chance to revisit some of the Design Thinking concepts.




Six more working days to exhibition day. Can the heroes deliver?

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