DTP Week 5 Day 3!

It took one blow of Hero Buck, but the heroes are now back in focus!



Games time involve more testing of different games: captain ball and handball.

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We had a conference call with Maria and Isabella, high schoolers of Acton Academy Guatemala. The heroes asked them questions about their exhibition experiences, as well as other questions related to hero bucks, and their environment. Naturally, the heroes want to “check out” with these questions: “Do you have an edible garden?”, “Do you have a mural art?” or even “Can a guide ask for Hero bucks?”

The call concluded with an invite to have a dry run and a virtual tour of the heroes’ exhibition. We will see if the heroes make good use of their mentors from Guatemala!



During lunch time, there was a guardrail violation today. One of the heroes climbed out of the school to collect a football. We introduced a community consequence of a plank or a horse stance for a certain amount of time. It is a reminder that guardrails are there to keep the community safe.


The heroes finished their goals and had more games time. Monkey Pictionary it is.


What was the lesson today? Heroes thrive in a safe environment, but the guardrails and accountability systems are to be respected.

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