DTP Week 6 Day 2!

The day started with a video of the famous Marshmallow test. Can the heroes learn a thing or two about delayed gratification from four-year-olds?


Here’s a quick update on their projects.

Edible garden:

WhatsApp Image 2016-08-24 at 10.22.18 AM

MS Studio:

WhatsApp Image 2016-08-24 at 10.22.09 AM

The Gathering:

WhatsApp Image 2016-08-17 at 9.18.16 AM

How will the day flow? The heroes chose to plan everything on their own, deciding what will happen on Friday. Some said “no photo!”


Logistics are complicated. Especially decided together.

A rough day indeed, as plans changed to make a simpler flow of events. The reality is that there are many constraints: time, crowd numbers, space, audience’s attention span, resources… Frustration crept in as the heroes debated through.

The possibility of a sleepover brought the heroes spirit up. Is this their marshmallow? The challenge was to make a clean dry run, but it is far from standard. Some heroes still want more time—so a consolation: Acton KL will be open until 7.00 p.m. tomorrow for further preparations.

Ending the day with character callouts, one of it was towards a hero in “overcoming failures”.


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