DTP Week 6 Day 3 (1 Day to Exhibition)!

The day started with a reflection of what are the memories from the 5+ weeks thus far. The heroes shared stories from their various excursions, games, trips, solving challenges and the friendships together.

Uncle Greg volunteered as a guest for the heroes’ exhibition dry run. He added more flavor and insights into the heroes work.



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His parting advice: “You parents are deciding if you are coming back to Acton next January. That depends on how serious you are taking this project. Really, you gotta be serious about this.”

Looks like a lot of pressure for the heroes’ tomorrow.

Games time was dodge ball followed by captain ball on a shaded part of Taman Zaaba. Ah, the pleasure of the 10-acre park next to Acton KL’s doors!


Back to work, the heroes were questioned again and again if they have achieved “exhibition standards”. Many put in full effort, but intentionality still slipped every once a while.  Many stayed on to continue their work. Or perhaps they want to support each other at this point in their journey.

Checking out the new video edits.


Rehearsals again. And again. The heroes gave feedback. The questions asked: Is this your best work? Can you improve further?


Few heroes pushed so hard that they needed a break. The parents brought pizzas to end the day.

But the heroes have not demonstrated “exhibition standards”, yet.

Will they deliver that tomorrow?[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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