ES Session 2 Week 1 (Year 1, Week 6) – Exhibition Day!

After three weeks of preparation, we have finally come to Exhibition Day.

Practice makes perfect. The Eagles started the day with a quick briefing, followed by dry runs and rounds of feedback from the ActonKL team.


Focused as Miss Caryn gave a briefing on today’s agenda


Practicing registration


Practicing giving a speech


Practicing exhibition of core skills


Practicing exhibition of excellence, and hopefully… a sale!

Exhibition Ready

“Hello, welcome to ActonKL’s first exhibition!” an enthusiastic welcome from young 6-year-old Eagle!


Greetings via a handshake


“Register here, and follow…” Our Eagles learn the ushering process first hand. Some of the guests are our Middle School Eagles!

Guests and parents settled, and the program begins.


Jie giving the introductory speech. He introduces each Eagle with their fellow character traits. “Here’s Max, the Adventurous one!” 

The first part of exhibition is demonstrating how young Eagles learn Core Skills (reading, writing, Maths, and digital citizenship).  


The youngest Eagles show how you learn base 10 numbers via Dreambox, a fun interactive software.


Demonstrating Typing club, an adaptive software to practice and hone typing skills.


Eagles showcasing how they use LexiaReading software, a game-based reading software in ActonKL’s library.


Final booth: Digital quotient using IZHero program. Eagles demonstrating their learning of digital empathy and internet safety.

Next up, we have SMART Goals

At Acton, we pair  technology with good working habits. One of them is weekly SMART goals. Kaleb explains it to the audience: SMART means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely…


With the Core Skills Exhibition through, we come to the most important ceremony of today: Contract Signing. The young Eagles have been testing through their promises over the six weeks. Today, they are signing it with commitment.


Each Eagle read a line from their promises, and …


They sign their names. This will be the standards that ES Eagles are governing themselves on.

We have been talking a lot about excellence, and two projects demonstrate this — lip dub video and their excellence art showcase.

Lip Dub Video


Excellence Projects – Art Exhibition

Inspired by Austin’s Butterfly, Eagles have been doing multiple drafts. Today, they are showcasing and selling (!) their artwork.


Handling sales


More work from my portfolio


A lof of effort has gone through these papers…


That’s not the end of our sprint yet. Miss Caryn will be doing a reflection round with the written feedback from the audience. Our Eagles will continue to learn by reflecting how they can do better.

“Experience is not the best teacher. Evaluated experience is.” –John Maxwell.

This is how our Eagles grow, by evaluated experience. This exhibition is just one of the many experiential learning that we do at ActonKL!



A day where we let the child do 100% of the talking.  


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