MS Day 1 of 2017 (Session 3 – Tribe Building)

The Middle Schoolers finally gathered. They came with positive energy and excited to see each other!

Morning Launch

We launch the year with the overarching question: Is Truth discovered or created?

The Eagles started with mixed views, but eventually convinced each other that the truth is to be discovered. Will this view change? This overarching question will be discussed in many perspectives as they explore deeper, together.

Fire Escape Challenge

Immediately, they are surprised with the next challenge: a fire drill by going through an emergency ladder.

The first trial took 9 minutes and the next… 5 minutes. How far can they improve, and ensure they improve on the safety measures?

At each turn, we improve and practice our processes. Over time, the Eagles are safe not because we keep the space safe, but they practice safety through simulations.

Getting to know each other

The two main goal of tribe building is having fun and a sense of belonging. One of the exercises include interviewing tribe members.

“So, what is the hardest thing you ever done in your life?”

Then, the tribe shared and voted for the best description.

The winner was succint:  E* is energetic, loves to share his work and geek out.

Setting up Goals and Gameboard

Once the tribe is in flow, we add tools to get Eagles to work in an independent yet collaborative rhythm. It is one major challenge!

There are some Eagles who are nailing it, but others who are struggling. It is something truly new, but all of them are making the best effort ahead.

Higher Standards

For the first day, the Eagles are 100% on-time, with perfect scores on cleanliness. They rated today around 8 out of 10, and have stated the one thing to make today better: student intentionality (and also some games :P).

As this new learner-driven community forge relationships, will they discover or create their version of a better future—their version of truth?


Stay tuned!


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