Building a Culture of Accountability

Acton Academy is a learner-driven community. This means having plenty of freedom and self-governance.

Does freedom results to a decay to Lord of the Flies behavior?

It seems different with our Elementary and Middle School studios come together.

The Rise of Mixed Studio Checks

Elementary Schoolers can ask the entire Middle School studio with 26 Eagle Bucks upon each violation, such as disruptions and cleanliness. The Middle Schoolers can do the same to the Elementary Schoolers, albeit with half the amounts. 

This forces Middle Schoolers to keep each other accountable. Certainly, it is better to ask one Eagle Bucks from your studio mates who started disrupting before the situation decays further and having Elementary Schoolers coming up giving a huge fine, twenty-six times more.


Can you believe a six-year-old pushing teenagers to higher standards?

Meanwhile, the Elementary School Eagles set reminders for themselves after being asked for Eagle Bucks. This happened after they were given a warning and then fined for continuously being too noisy.


Surprisingly, it also builds confidence for the Elementary Schoolers as they took courage to ask from older Eagles.

The accountability goes up to Guides too. 

In case you wonder, Guides do not answer questions. Ever. 7 questions answered in 3 days means there is still room for improvement. 

All this encourage Eagles to hold up to much higher standards on themselves, by themselves.

Note: while these interactions require both younger and older Eagles being tough-minded, there are various balancing warm-hearted interactions: joint Physical Development and Middle School Eagle Buddies that help Elementary School Eagles in their goal setting. In the future, some Middle Schoolers will be designing quests (project based learning with a narrative) for the Elementary School. 

You might wonder, how are these Eagle Buck systems decided?

Negotiating Contracts

Eagle Bucks are not simply created. Instead, they are earned through hard work and governed explicitly through written contracts. Eagles negotiated the finer points of these contracts, and spend a considerable amount of time re-drafting the documents. 


In addition, the Middle Schoolers elect council members to address community issues and facilitate amendments relating to these contracts. Like the Eagles, they will evolve and mature.

This, being only the third day of ActonKL Middle School and 2nd session of Elementary School… holds bright promises for what the learner-driven community will become.

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