MS Session 3 Week 2 – the Studio Ebb and Flow

The week started strong, with Guru Geetha inspiring the Eagles with exercises and yoga.


A large part of the week consisted of working on Core Skills and Tribe Building Quest. As Eagles developed the right rhythm this week, we introduced PE, writing, and Life Skills.

Core Skills

Core Skills time consisted of Khan Academy Maths, Comprehension via ReadTheory and reading their Deep Books. Eagles were focused doing independent work.


While learning the basics of 3Rs are important, what’s crucial is that Eagles learn to set their own SMART goals on Mondays, with reflection upon Fridays.


A sample SMART Goal sheet

The journey was not straightforward. Studio intentionality went off on Monday afternoon. Mr. Jia closed the day with the question “What does it take to put in real focused work?”

One Eagle answered: “if we don’t deliver our work, all of us will only have five minutes for lunch”. They voted and approved for such consequence.

Five minutes. Often, when challenged with the question “is this the best you can do?”, Eagles hold much stricter commitments. But five minutes mean haphazard eating — a health and safety issue. Guides had to intervene: ten minutes of lunch time, hopefully, it is the balance of their standards and enough time to eat!

The next day (Tuesday), the Eagles voted in the Socratic Discussion: Was lunchtime penalty an effective way to ensure work done? Initially, their views were even. But after 10 minutes of debate, many switched opinions that it was not as effective. They suggested and unanimously agreed for a Q-break (qualified for breaks/ lunchtime if achieve certain goals) and 3 Eagle Buck if one do not put in focused hard work before lunch.3 Eagle Buck is earned through 15 hours of focused work. Ouch.

On Wednesday, Eagles worked in high gears with this renewed commitment. We also built the Q-break functionalities to our systems. Later, we introduced Q-power songs: 3 power songs during studio maintenance if all Eagles complete the day’s goals.


Eagles checking on each other’s progress and discussed if any Eagle needed help.

Every Eagle stayed focused during the Core Skill time. One expressed: “I must finish my work, else I can’t eat in peace.”The Eagles re-assessed again if this was effective. Their actions proved the vote.

After developing a great Core Skill rhythm, the next step ahead will be writing their Personal Learning Plans next week—a statement of their learning goals and aspirations over this year.

MS Buddies

Our #1 goal (after creating a sense of belonging) is developing strong working habits throughout the community. The SMART goal setting extends further to Elementary School, where MS Eagle buddies met with their younger ES Eagles to set goals on Monday and reviewed through on Friday. The MS Eagles also made journals of their service, as part of their Servant Leader badges.


Middle Schoolers helping younger Eagles on their SMART Goal Setting.

Quest – Tribe-Building

Most of the afternoon were spent on the Tribe Building Quest. The Tribe Building Quest have two parts—drafting their governing contracts and developing their Personal Learning Plan.

The Eagles debated deeply about various governing contracts, including their Parent Contract. Interestingly, they added this point: “I will try to understand my child’s point of view.” 


Given parent contracts are two-way agreements, the Eagles sent the contracts to the parent community for inputs and comments.

Eagles also reflected their signing of Studio Contract to the Founding Fathers of the United States. They wrote their thoughts and shared it together—reflecting their commitment to the Learner-driven community.


Writing – Gratitude Letters

From Thursday (12th Jan) onwards, Eagles started writing Gratitude Letters.

The challenge: Can you write a moving Gratitude Letter to someone who have touched your life in a deep way?

They researched for tips of writing, wrote a simple thank you note and critique each other’s work through the six traits process. In this early days, we are still building the habits of posting work on time, developing a love of writing together, and an open community of sharing and critiquing.

Physicals (PE)

Every Tuesday and Thursday, the Eagles have an hour of Physical. We kicked off with physical challenges—intense time trials of sit-ups, push-ups, and lunges, burpees, quiet ball and mid-distance running.


Eagles pushed themselves. Charged on! One Eagle pushed so hard that he couldn’t believe he did 45 sit-ups.

But Acton Academy is not about a fixed target. What’s more important is improvement and progress. I was especially awed by the efforts as Eagles pushed themselves further and improved remarkably in running.


“I do not want her to win, so I ran faster.”, “I …, but I pushed myself better, to run one more round.”. Eagles shared their mental states in the discussion sessions.

Yes, there were plenty of sore muscles. But really, are there any other ways to grow?


Come on, let’s plank! Elementary Schoolers also join in the challenge.

Life Skills


The Eagles who have pushed themselves far ahead were rewarded with more learning opportunities. While the rest of the Eagles caught up with work, few Eagles who were on track got engaged in Life Skills. They learned about first aid and had fun with bandages.

Our goal is to equip the community with various skills of independence.

However, despite all that, the life of a learner-driven community has its hiccups.

Learning from Failures

A pack of food was left on the locker shelves for two days, exposing the kitchen to potential contamination. The Elementary Schoolers highlighted to the Middle School but nobody admitted to any wrongdoing. Given this is a health and safety issue, this called for an Emergency Meeting to resolve the case once and for all.


In eight minutes, the Eagles decided on:

  • Elementary School and Middle School have clear separate shelves
  • Each Eagle label their food containers

While it was an effective meeting, will the Eagles uphold to their promises?

This week has marked tremendous progress. Next week will be an important one, where Eagles will sign the contracts they have debated for two weeks.

The life of the Middle School studio ebb and flow. At every cycle, it strives ahead, etching habits and character into every Eagle.

The journey is not easy, but it is a powerful one. Because they walk together, never alone.


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