ES Session 3 Week 2 (Year 1 Week 8)

Bright and early on Monday morning, Auntie Geetha led a yoga and dance exercise session with our Eagles.  We stretched, jumped, breathed deeply and ran around to relax and kick off our week on a positive note. Some of our young Eagles were showing off their moves and flexibility!

Stretching away all the stress! 

After that, it was time for our weekly SMART goals. “Of the 5 aspects to keep in mind when writing your SMART goals, which do we feel is most important this week?” After discussing and thinking through the question, Eagles went off to set their goals with their Middle School Buddies who will be supporting them for this sprint. On Friday, they met back to check in on their progress and challenges, setting up the stage for next week. Thank you so much Brien, Evan and Kyosha for your guidance!

MS Buddies helping our young Eagles set their goals 

We started a new SMART goal system this week to help Eagles track their daily and weekly progress. Every Monday, we will set our goals for the week and every day, we will set a small goal based on our weekly goals. This is to help our young Eagles remember their goals, break them down, track them and ensure that they are able to achieve all of their goals by Friday.

Weekly SMART goals board 

Daily SMART goals sheets 

On Monday, we also elected our new Eagle Buck Committee for this sprint! Thank you Uma and Kaleb for stepping up to be leaders in our community!

On Tuesday and Thursday this past week, we started our P.E. sessions with the Middle School Eagles. All the Eagles underwent physical challenges such as running, sit-ups, push-ups and planking. At first, our ES Eagles felt slightly intimidated but after a while, the competitive spirit in them kicked in. They joined in and had lots of fun! One of them even said, “For our free time, we should start practicing sit-ups and push-ups so that that next week, we can beat MS.” 🙂 It is incredible to watch how they push and challenge themselves at such a young age.

ES and MS Eagles challenging each other

As always, Eagles enjoyed fun times with friends during lunch and free time.

Eagles exploring board games for the first time since we started school! 

A MS Eagle decided to join us for a game of Twister

Eagles also enjoyed celebrating Ayub’s birthday this week, as they wrote and drew birthday notes, sang Happy Birthday and chomped down the yummy chocolate cake from Auntie Laila!

Happy 8th Birthday Ayub! 

As part of our Sandwich quest this sprint, we went on a shopping trip to Hero Supermarket. Before setting off, we planned our shopping list, introduced the term “budget”, discussed what a “good deal” meant and reviewed safety rules. Off we went with Ms. Wei Wen, Dr. Ewe and Dr. Shien!

At the supermarket, Eagles worked with their teammates, hunted for ingredients on their shopping lists, searched for good deals, recorded the prices and then checked out the items at the cashier.


”Which is the best value for chicken ham?”

“Have we gotten everything in our shopping list?”

“Did we keep within our budget?”

Here’s a little story from the trip. “Needs versus wants” was thoroughly tested at the candy section right before the checkout counter. Our youngest Eagle saw a Kinder Joy and really wanted it. He kept asking his teammates for it but was told, “That is a want, not a need. We don’t have enough money.” After paying for everything, they realized that they had extra money so our young Eagle tried convincing his team again, “Can we please buy it? It has chocolate and a superhero toy inside.” They thought about it long and hard, and finally gave in to temptation.


“Yay, Kinder Joy! It is okay right? We still have extra money for our sandwich.”

It was funny to watch them but so true when I reflected upon it. Even as adults, we often forget our needs versus wants in this world of consumerism and end up convincing ourselves that it is the right choice. That incident was a really good reminder to myself.

In the afternoon, we learned about assembly lines and time efficiency through some experiments. Which is the faster way to make a sandwich: when an individual makes a sandwich or when an assembly line makes a sandwich? Which makes a higher quality sandwich? The Eagles prepared all the ingredients, made some sandwiches, got feedback from Dr. Ewe and Ms. Wei Wen and went on to improve their sandwiches.  We timed both teams and had a discussion after that on how to improve the quality, speed and teamwork. We look forward to more sandwich making sessions next week!

Preparation time!

Feedback from our customer, Ms. Wei Wen

Also, this week, the whole community had an emergency meeting. A rotten lunchbox was found at the locker area but nobody admitted to it. After the scare, the ES and MS Eagles voted to have separate shelves so that each studio will be responsible for their actions.

Will our Eagles keep to their promises and keep the lunch area clean?

Emergency meeting both ES and MS Eagles

On Friday, we ended the week with Character Call-Outs and promised each other that we will try harder next week.

Here’s to more learning with our tribe in Week 9! 🙂


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