MS Session 3 – Week 3

This week’s highlights:

  • Lifting of Freedom Level restrictions, finding different rhythms and new tools, such as collaboration board and earning more games time (pic above).
  • Two Hero’s visit: Edmond from Edunation and Dato Gooi from Bandar Sri Damansara Resident Association
  • Signing of Eagles’ Contracts
  • Preparation work on Eagle’s Personal Learning Plan and Thank You letters

Our Middle School have received mixed feedback during the last two weeks. Some Eagles are soaring—working hard and having fun, while others are feeling overwhelmed in this new environment.

Feedbacks are taken seriously—we continuously adapt and adjust, guided by the philosophy and principles of a learner-driven community.

This week’s goal is simple: We want Eagles to soar and roar!

New Rhythms – Lifting of Freedom Level Restrictions

First thing on Monday, guides launched with vulnerability—we have introduced too many systems in too short a time. Eagles are not restricted by their Freedom Levels for the time being. The intention is to be kind rather than being nice.

Some Eagles remained distracted, the studios got messier too. However, few found their own flow.


Deep in focus, listening to an audiobook

After experiencing a looser setup, Eagles voted to have earned breaks, as well as extra games time if all of them hit the day’s goals.

On Thursday,  Eagles were introduced to the Collaboration Board as a tool for intentional collaboration. The Eagles decided that all areas are quiet work areas except for the MS studio, where collaboration happens. If any Eagle choose to work there, they must write their names and areas they need help prior to any discussions.


Their work setup continues to evolve. Working together, working alone, in quiet spaces or in the collaboration room — each Eagle is learning to find what works best.


Hero’s visits

We are thankful to have two Hero sharing sessions by Edmond from Edunation and Uncle Gooi from Bandar Sri Damansara Resident Association on Tuesday and Thursday.

Edmond shared his journey of starting Edunation, Malaysia’s successful Khan Academy equivalent with almost 5,000 videos. He started with a story of his life as a Civil Engineer tutoring Maths to John, a underprivileged form 3 student, was gripping, dark and entertaining. His message was one about pursuing your passion and changing the world through working on opportunities and injustices that you feel strongly for.


Eagles loved Edmond’s enthusiasm and stories. Will they be inspired to fight for causes that they believe in?

Uncle Gooi, the ex-president of Bandar Sri Damansara resident Association and still an active Community leader shared his experience of working together to resolve local issues. He gave insights of the tough reality of working with different stakeholders. One Eagle, being a resident of Bandar Sri Damansara brought up issues in his neighborhood. He challenged from going from the mindset of a victim (complaining) to one of a Hero—engaging and resolving issues.


Uncle Gooi advised the Eagles to engage in their community early — even if they are only 11 years old. “Take active roles such as being in a sub-committee or helping out on a project. It may not be your neighborhood association; it can be any society which you cared for the cause. Start young!”

Both Edmond and Uncle Gooi, seasoned community leaders in their respective areas shared the same message of service and passion.

Signing of Contracts

For the last two weeks, Eagles have been debating about their student contracts and governance process for some time. At mid-week, some Eagles decided it was not the right time yet. “Signing these contracts is a major commitment. Have all of you read through it at least two times?”

Eagles take this seriously. It is not a one or two-page document on promises, but ten pages of contract and governing processes, ranging from how the council is elected, Eagle Bucks, Townhall process and so on.

Finally, on Friday noon, the Eagles signed.


Thank You, Gratitude letters, Random Act of Kindness

As part of this session’s Genre and character trait, Eagles read and wrote Thank You letters, did Random Act of Kindness, and made their learning studios a warmer one.


Eagles went through a between-the-lines discussion on a thank you letter from Sacia to J.K. Rowling. They had to discuss the author’s deeper intentions and various questions that were posed to them.

Personal Learning Plan

The Eagles have started to work on their Personal Learning Plan. This is the commitment of what they are going to do this year, by setting goals on badges, and areas of growth and learning. They will be presenting this next Tuesday during their exhibition.

Often, we adults make goals in the start of the year. But it is hard to follow through. It requires persistence, as well as finding the balance of goals that are challenging enough yet not too overwhelming. Eagles will experience this early in their journey at Acton.


Will they persevere and hold up to the standards they set? Can they find that balance?


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