ES Session 3 Week 3

Time flies! Our sprint is coming to an end. We will be having our second exhibition this coming Wednesday, 25th January, at 10:30 a.m. 🙂

We started Monday with our weekly SMART goals. Our Eagles are getting more familiar with the new SMART goals system. Every morning before Core Skills time, we spend fifteen minutes writing our daily SMART goal, based on the weekly SMART goals which were determined on Monday. This week, many Eagles successfully reached their goals by setting more achievable goals and also working harder during Core Skills and Writers’ Workshop. An improvement from last week yay! Next challenge for Miss Caryn is to empower our young Eagles to track their work.


Weekly SMART Goals 

This week in Writer’s Workshop, the older Eagles worked more diligently to finish the steps in the writing process by getting feedback from their fellow Eagles and Miss Caryn before editing their stories. Meanwhile, the younger Eagles are being challenged to write an additional sentence in their journals every day. Writing is definitely a challenging practice, one that requires true focus and determination, but our Eagles are slowly getting the hang of it.


Naomi and Uma helping one another with their journals 

Children really do soak in information like sponges. During Circle Time last Monday and Tuesday, I would ask our Eagles, “Is this topic relevant to our discussion?” to help them focus and listen to what their friends were saying. On Wednesday, one of the Eagles suddenly asked that same question when another Eagle strayed off topic and over the week, I heard them repeatedly asking one another even during lunch break. From not understanding
the meaning of “relevant” on Monday to reminding one another by Wednesday, I was amazed at how fast children learn! As adults, we truly must lead by example because our Eagles are constantly experiencing, observing and learning.


Eagles making promises to their fellow travelers 

One of the highlights of the week was Sandwich Making time! Eagles were divided into two teams – Egg Sandwich and Chicken Sandwich. They practiced
by making paper sandwiches and competing against each other to make the best sandwich in the shortest time. Everyone was super competitive! We went through many, many rounds of competitions and discussions before the Eagles were happy with their plans. They reminded each other to stay focused when doing their jobs, they came up with rules, they changed roles within their groups, they taught one another the right way to put lettuce on the bread, etc. It was fun but of course, it came with much chaos. Even Ms. Wei Wen and Dr. Chun Te were recruited to be in the assembly lines to cut sandwiches.


Practice time!

The mission day finally came – 80 sandwiches! The Eagles washed and dried the lettuce, peeled and mashed the hard-boiled eggs, prepared and laid out all the ingredients before we started making the sandwiches. Everyone was really engaged in their roles and successfully made 80 sandwiches in two
hours! To reward ourselves after all the hard work, we made sandwiches for our snack. Yum. Our kind Eagles also made sandwiches for the MS Eagles and Mr. Jia after they came downstairs and told us with very sad and hungry faces, “We can smell the egg from upstairs!! Do you have more? Can we please have some?” Mission accomplished!


Getting ready for the mission


80 sandwiches on the way


Made with love for the MS Eagles 🙂 

On Thursday, the ES parents, Eagles and guides had a school trip to the Lighthouse Children Welfare Home. Thank you parents for joining us and for helping to chauffeur the Eagles! We spent a morning with the children, had a tour of the home, played games and shared our sandwiches with them. Many of the children there came from poverty-stricken families in rural villages around Malaysia and also from families struggling with substance abuse or alcoholism. It was a new experience for some of our Eagles so they were quite shy to mingle around. However, when we shared about how we felt and what we have learned from the trip, the Eagles all said that they had a fun time and felt blessed because they have so much more. They even voted for another outing with the children to the Taman Tun Park to play “Ice and Fire”. Also, the Eagles were planning on how to convince their parents to donate money to buy a bigger house for the children. Children have such big hearts.


All of our super dancers during a game of Statue Dance


Dab for the photo everybody!

Come join us at the exhibition to hear more about our Eagles’ experience!

Onward to our last week of the sprint!


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