MS Session 4 Week 1 – Travel Start!

Welcome back Eagles from their Lunar New Year Holidays.

We launched with this Session’s Quest: Travel around the World and character trait: Purpose. But often, we are faced with distractions and setbacks. How do we illustrate this? Right away, Eagles were issued with a challenge: Can you make a trust-sit?

A tough challenge for Eagles because of their wide range of sizes and umm… weight. Oh, distractions too—this activity is full of surprises. Can the Eagles make it?

The highlights of the week:

  • Getting back together
  • Points tracker and adjustments
  • Parent meeting and CNY celebrations
  • Day trip brochure and planning competition

Getting Back Together

The Eagles are a tight-knit community. In a short time, many of them forged strong relationships. One of the reasons for coming back is simply being together and growing as a community

The early attempts of the trust-sit were filled with setbacks. But Eagles persisted for 15 minutes before getting a full hands-off sit.

Next, Eagles experimented with trust chair.

What do you read from the Eagles’ expression

The community also included the Elementary School. We had a joint PE session. The Middle Schoolers need to know their compass directions well for the upcoming weeks, and the Elementary Schoolers loved tag. So, a crazy game of tag and compass runs were combined during PE.

North-east, South-west, North, South… Go!

Points Tracker and Adjustments

During the last session, one of the feedback was that our Google Sheets tracking system was cumbersome. We decided to switch software and many Eagles were reluctant for the changes.

But it is not entirely up to us (the guides at ActonKL).

Different Eagles argued their points in a heated debate. In the end, they decided that they will commit two weeks and explore Points Tracker with an open mind.

The studios are continuously adjusted based on the community’s feedback. But a significant part of the changes remained at the hands of the Eagles. For example, silent core skills had not been silent until recently. A video of Mr. Bean inspired the Eagles in a humorous way, and the studios were humming with focus and intentionality.

Parent Meeting and CNY Celebrations

Acton Academy’s Family Meetings are not the typical PTA meeting. Instead, we are strengthening our lives as parents, which will help our families, and in turn the Eagles.

This being the first Parent Meeting for ActonKL, parents shared their Family Plans. It was a time of vulnerability — families expressing their wish of setting for a time of togetherness and setting right priorities. It was also a time of light-hearted sharing, such as sibling rivalries!

Most importantly, it represented the commitment of the community’s journey together.

One Family Plan was so outstanding that we made an exception — a fellow Eagle in a Parent Meeting!

Games, food, red packet in one go!

Day trip brochure and planning competition

By the end of this Session, Eagles have to exhibit a compelling multi-day trip plan and an accompanying brochure. Too overwhelming a project?

The first week of Travel the World Quest involved a lighter version—planning a Day Trip for next Monday. It will also serve as travel prompts for next week’s descriptive writing.

The initial ideas were varied, but the Eagles voted for trampoline jumping and ice skating as their preferred Day Trip choice.

Then, they had to create their brochures. The winning team had a simple and compelling plan:

Can the winning team execute their plans? Find out next week!


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