ES Session 4, Week 1

The first week of Session 3 launched with a dilemma! You are an entomologist and you have been sent to look for a rare caterpillar, whose venom is poisonous but may be able to cure cancer. One night in your tent, you are woken up by a tickling sensation on your hand… it is the caterpillar!! Do you kill it or let it live and risk your own life?

That sparked an interesting discussion among our Eagles. At the end of it, even the Eagle who is mightily afraid of insects voted to let the caterpillar live. We went on to watch a short documentary by David Attenborough and then, went through the Entomology Quest Map. Our Eagles were very fascinated by the documentary and wanted to share stories of their encounters with insects!


Little entomologists in the making! 

What are insects? How do we classify them? We got up close and personal with some insects this week! Eagles learned about how animals are categorized and the different characteristics of each category. They will be identifying the different species next week.

This beetle has purple wings! 

Sharing ideas about our chosen insects after a brainstorming session


During the beginning of the week, we also revisited the importance of S.M.A.R.T Goals. What does each letter mean and which do we think is most important? Eagles are now learning to keep track of their daily goals. As a result, Core Skills was very concentrated! They were intentional during work time and even helped reminded
one another to stay focused. Yay!!


Our youngest Eagle typing away

P.E. was full of spirit this week! The MS Eagles were learning about compass directions so Mr. Jia combined the ES Eagles’ favorite game, Tag, with orienteering skills. Voila! Lots of running and tagging, while learning about North, South, East, West.


Let the games begin!


Everyone come take a look at the “man face” bug! 

Acton KL had our first Family Meeting. Through these meetings, we hope to be able to strengthen our journeys as parents and families. During this first meeting, parents from both our ES and MS communities shared their Family Plans. It was truly heart-warming to see everyone sharing so openly with each other. Lots of funny stories and every family is unique, that’s for sure!

To our Acton KL families, thank you for committing to this journey together!


A brave MS Eagle sharing her family plan 


Nom nom nom – lots of great cooks in our community! An Acton KL recipe book is on the way


Food, fun and friends

We celebrated an Eagle’s birthday with her favorite pop songs and a chocolate vegan cake! Thank you Auntie Rosalind and Uncle Terry for the stories and the yummy cake. Not only that, we also celebrated an Eagle who has returned to our community.



During Character Callouts at the end of Friday, gratitude towards one another dominated the celebration!

See everyone in Week 2!


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