ES Session 4, Week 3

Week 3 just flew by!  With more goals this week, Eagles spent a lot
of time in the Challenge Zone, working on their project journals and Core

We started the week with “Intentionality – Are we
doing things with the right intention?” and “Which zone are we in – Comfort,
Challenge or Panic Zone?” Throughout the week, we reminded each other about our
actions and if we are challenging ourselves enough. Not an easy habit to
nurture but we will continue to work at it together!

Which zone are we in today?

Also, the Middle School Buddies are back in
action with our young Eagles. On Mondays and Fridays, the MS Eagles will be
helping the young ones with setting and reviewing their goals. The Eagles are definitely
more aware of their SMART goals now but how can we encourage them to set more
challenging goals and not be afraid to try/ fail? Miss Caryn’s goal for the new

Thank you MS Buddies for guiding the younger Eagles!

Metamorphosis, entomologist, chrysalis are
words of the week! The Eagles spent this week watching our caterpillars grow,
hang upside down, molt into unique chrysalides (cocoons) and finally, emerge as
beautiful butterflies. What an eye-opening experience to witness metamorphosis
in our studio! It sparked many, many questions. How many leaves does a
caterpillar eat? What happens in a chrysalis? Why does a new butterfly “bleed”?
Our little entomologists set off to seek answers through Google research and
insect books. They used Google so much that they discovered Google Voice and
clearly had fun asking all sorts of questions. J We
also watched videos of metamorphosis and talked about the transformations we
have gone through in our lives. Lots of interesting stories were shared!

Caterpillar observation time every morning

“Did you know that caterpillars eat their way out of their own eggshells?” says our little scientist

At the park on Tuesday, our ES Eagles
helped the MS Eagles in their explorer quest to draw the map of Taman Zaaba.
They walked around the park to figure out its shape, counted the number of
footsteps it took to complete one round, and then used the compass to find out
bearings. It was a challenging task but the young ones had some fun and came
back with more insects for the studio. On
Thursday, it was Physical Challenges and touch rugby!

Let’s count how many footsteps it takes to go around this park!

Like always, free time is
filled with much laughter, shouting and running around with both the ES and MS
Eagles. Dodge ball and robot building were this week’s top games! Thank you
dear neighbor for always throwing the ball back to our garden.

Attack of the ES robots!!! Save our MS Eagle! 

On Friday, we were privileged
to have a Hero’s Sharing by Dr. Heo, a forensic entomologist, to learn more
about the insect world. He shared about the many different types of insects,
arachnids and crustaceans around us. Do you know the difference between insects
and arachnids? Even the guides learned some cool, new stuff. Our little Eagles
were very curious and stayed engaged throughout the sharing. An enjoyable
career that involves getting one’s hands dirty and spending time outside, why
not? Hopefully, we will have our own Acton entomologist one day. 🙂

What insect is this? It has a Dalmatian-like shell

Dr. Heo showing us all the weird insects in the world eeee

We ended the week on a really
high note. We released five beautiful butterflies into our garden! It was truly
an experience to watch them emerge from their chrysalides, slowly fill their
wings with blood and prepare for their first flights. “Fly butterfly, you can
do it! You can fly free now!”

Fly, butterfly, fly

I will leave everyone
with a little quiz. Spot the insect in the photo below! 🙂

Spot me!! 


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