ES Session 4, Week 4

Whew! One more week to our third exhibition! This week was buzzing with energy as our Eagles prepared for the end of the session. Everyone was busy finishing up their journals, posters and 3-D models. Most Eagles were also challenging themselves with more goals to achieve this week and actually keeping to their promises. It was a busy, busy week!

Our youngest Eagle’s first SMART goal written by himself without any help!

During project time this week, the Eagles were challenged to work in teams to create a poster about insects and arachnids. It is the first time that they are working in designated teams to come up with a tangible deliverable. They learned to delegate tasks, come up with plans, work with each other’s strength, make decisions together, resolve conflicts and communicate effectively with one another. It was definitely frustrating at the beginning with many disagreements among the team members, but they eventually worked out the issues together. By Friday, the Eagles were having lots of fun creating the poster and were very confident that everyone
was on track. Wonderful things truly do happen when we give children the time, freedom and opportunity to explore and solve problems on their own. A timely
reminder to Miss Caryn to always, always trust in the Eagles!

Creative juices are flowing! 

The Eagles also spent some time this week watching more chrysalides break open with beautiful butterflies and updating their observation journals. We are still learning to observe, write and think like an entomologist. What should we look at? Why must we record and label our observations? How can we be more observant? These skills are not easy to nurture but we shall keep practicing!

What happened on Day 7? 

There is just so much to learn from our Eagles. One day when two Eagles were trying to bring a butterfly out to the garden, I heard them saying “Come butterfly, don’t be afraid. You can do it. Keep trying.” That made me realize that if our children can be so kind and encouraging to a butterfly, we should definitely learn to be
kinder to one another in this world. A good lesson for adults. 🙂

Come butterfly, don’t be afraid.

For P.E. this week, the Eagles were challenged to a game that required hand-eye coordination. Everyone participated in the game, including Dr. Ewe, Mr. Jia and
Miss Caryn. It was a lot of fun! Our ES Eagles put up a good fight and gave the MS Eagles a hard time to win the game. Go ES!!

Guys, focus! Left hand over right hand, here we go!

The highlight of the week was undoubtedly our field trip to the Nature Education Center at FRIM. Before the trip, the Eagles divided themselves into buddy partners and established ground rules, without much help from Miss Caryn! During the trip, the Eagles, parents and guides learned more about insects, hunted for them, identified them and then released them. Using nets, all of us scoured open fields, finding crickets, horned beetles, spiders, moths, butterflies, tortoise beetles and
more for closer examination. We took photos and noted our fun findings. It is amazing how much flora and fauna Malaysia has to offer when we slow down to take in our beautiful natural surroundings!

Little entomologists hard at work 🙂

Not only that, the Eagles are also learning to keep track of time and to hold each other accountable for being punctual throughout the day. On Friday, a 6 ½-year-old
Eagle was teaching an older Eagle how to tell time, entirely on their own. They drew a clock face, determined the long and short hands, counted the minutes, and
used a real clock to test out their learnings. Ta-da! Twenty minutes later, both Eagles were happily reading the time. It is wonderful to see them learning
from one another in so many different ways.


Peer learning in action 

We ended the week with our Friday ritual, Character Call-Outs. Lots of positive traits displayed and goals achieved in studio this week! 🙂

Last week of the session – ready, set, GO! See you at our third exhibition this coming Friday, 10th March!


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