MS Session 4 Week 5 – Travel the World Exhibition Day

Eagles have spent the last four weeks exploring travel ideas. We were tempted to challenge our Eagles to make plans for exotic destinations such as Timbuktu, Easter Island and Antarctica. But we believe they will learn much more by planning a real trip they may execute this year.

This meant consulting their travellers, facing constraints, and attempt to meet everyone’s demands. In other words, making real-life decisions. They studied travel brochures, looked up historical explorers, met seasoned travellers, and planned their trip using modern tools.

In this final week, the focus is around the Exhibition. Lots of preparation work, practice dry runs, and before the day arrives.


Brochures for the Travel the World Exhibition made by the MS Eagles!


  • Preparation work
  • Practice dry runs
  • Releasing stress
  • Exhibition Day!!
  • Reflection

Preparation Work

Through this four weeks, the Eagles had collected, analysed and put together lots of information. They studied travel brochures, looked up historical explorers and spoke to seasoned travellers. They also used old and modern tools (e.g. compass for navigation and Google Maps) to plan their travels.

With the information overload, how to fit all that into short time they have with their booth visitor? This was a common question among the Eagles while doing their prep work. Some prepared a lot and some prepared a few.

They all start with their prototype first, before getting down to the real thing. The experience making brochures at the start of this Session helped to hasten their work.


Prototyping the presentation board.


Final touches for the presentation board.


Laying things out to see.


Working out problems and learning together.


Looking for inspiration.

Practice dry runs

Time to try out their presentation. Eagles get a chance to see and learn about their peer’s travel plans while giving constructive criticism on their presentations.

After each round of feedback, the Eagles improve their presentation, rework their boards or look back and revise their budget estimates. The earlier they get feedback, the more time they have to add improvements.


Getting early feedback even though the board is still work-in-progress.


Eagles practising their elevator pitch.


Giving feedback is equally important as taking feedback.


MC practising his own tour pitch.

Releasing Stress

A different guide this week meant new games. This week is a game called jeng-kek from the northern state of Kedah. It is a variation of the game of tag, but the person who is tagged can only chase on one-foot.


It is surprising how fast one can chase on one foot

In between practice runs, the MS Eagles found time to help coach their younger ES Eagles in their presentations, while having a round(s) of twisters…


Anyone for a human tornado twister?

Exhibition Day

The Eagles managed to squeezed in two dry runs before to the start of the Exhibition. This include clearing up the Studio and arranging everything prior to the first visitor arrivals. The timing was tight, but gates opened and started right on schedule.

Our Eagles had one-hour as “tour operators” to showcase their tours.


Posters used to promote their tours.


The MCs giving their opening speech to welcome the visitors.


Visitors asking probing questions.


K-culture has landed in Acton KL



The day after the exhibition; time to reflect and also see how well they did. The reflection time is good to see what could be done better, next time around.


Putting together a list of reflection points

With a little treat to a local eatery at stake, the Eagles tallied the scores by the visiting public. Some Eagles didn’t take too well that their efforts were measured solely by their exhibition, and felt their overall work was a better measure. In the end, as in the real world, there can only be some winners.

Not all means of measure are fair, nor is real-life always fair. What is more important in the long run; doing your best work for the sake of recognition, or doing your best work for personal growth?


Scores were tallied based on the feedback from Visitors during Exhibition day

Looking forward to next Session

Congratulations to all our Eagles for putting a great Travel the World Exhibition. We wish all Eagles and their families a good break and to be refreshed ready for the next session on Personal Finance…!


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