ES Session 4, Week 5

The last week of Session 4 was as busy as ever! Eagles gave their very best and worked diligently till the end of the Entomology Quest. Throughout the week, they kept to their plans to make sure that everyone could complete their tasks and be fully prepared for the exhibition. Not only that, they also stretched
themselves in Core Skills and tried to complete as many goals as they could, in the midst of all the exhibition preparation. So proud of our Eagles for their effort!

Last stretch of Core Skills goals for the session

On Monday, our Eagles came to school with their interesting Superbugs! Butterflies, beetles, wasps, and even an edible caterpillar. Parents, thank you so much for supporting them in this project! 🙂 They were really excited to show each other their creations and of course, had a “superpower battle” game among the Superbugs.

Our beautiful Superbug garden

At the park, Dr. Ewe led our P.E. session by sharing his childhood game with us, “jeng-kek”. It is a level up from the usual tag game because in jeng-kek, one can only chase on one foot. Lots of fun and we also found out that Dr. Ewe can hop extremely fast on one foot!

Catch me if you can!

Over the week, the Eagles worked together and sprinted towards the finishing line of script-writing for the posters, Superbugs essays and Butterfly journals. Despite the frustrating squabbles, stressful moments and tears, they still supported each other, reviewed their teammates’ work, and some even spent lunch break and free time to help their friends get back on track. This practice of teamwork will definitely come in handy for the upcoming quests!

Delegating tasks among team members


De-stressing with Auntie Ii Ling’s yummy caterpillar bread

In order to better prepare for the exhibition, our Eagles also did several dry runs and got feedback from each other and from the Middle Schoolers. MS Eagles, thank you for being so patient and encouraging with our young Eagles. It was very inspiring to see how Brien and Kyeran gave them feedback and coached them during the dry runs. Peer learning in action!

Feedback time!

Final dry-run with our MS Eagles 

Friday morning came! Everyone was very nervous. Eagles cleaned the studio, arranged their work at different stations and did another dry run with the MS Eagles. Posters, journals, Superbugs and butterfly “farms” were all ready for exhibition!

When parents and guests arrived, they were greeted by our Eagles, handed the exhibition schedule and judging form and then, escorted to our studio. Eagles presented their Arthropod posters, Superbugs and journals.

Butterfly Journal station

Kimaya and her team presenting their Arthropod poster

Max and his Superbeetle! 

Butterfly farm and superworm corner 

PHEW, all done!

After the exhibition, it was reflection time. What did we do well and what can we improve on? Lots of feedback and we came up with a list for the next session’s exhibition preparation. In many ways, the Entomology Quest was more challenging than the previous quests but our Eagles rose above the challenge.


Time to push that boundary a little bit more for the next session 🙂


As a reward, we opened our first Eagle Bucks store. Eagles exchanged their Eagle Bucks for Pokemon plushies, stationery, little trinkets, Lego and chocolate. In order to exchange, they have to do the math first. 🙂 We ended the session with our Friday Character Call-Outs and everyone left with grateful and joyful hearts!

Well-done to our Eagles and families for finishing this session strong! See you all soon!


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