MS Session 5 Week 4

This week started with the Haggling Trip at the TTDI Central Market and ended with a Stock Market simulation. In between, Eagles had a studio-wide debate and burned their contracts for a restart.


But it is filled with high-intensity drama. Lots of it.

One might even ask, is this too much?

The most important process at Acton is the Hero’s Journey. We draw inspiration from it during hard times. Many Eagles have shared that their journey at ActonKL is their Hero’s Journey. They had gone through the call, pass the threshold, faced many challenges and temptations. Along with it, meeting fellow travelers, mentors, and helpers. But they have not seen the abyss yet. Maybe we are approaching it.

the abyss
often the greatest challenge of the journey, where the hero must face death and overcome her/his greatest fears.

The intensity is necessary for the next step: a community of lifelong learning families that are committed to the Hero’s Journey and learning philosophy of Acton Academy. An Eagle lives as an Eagle not just within the learning studios, but at home and outside. Repeated actions become character, and character becomes destiny.


  • Haggling Trip
  • Studio-wide Debates
  • Stock Market simulation
  • Burning contracts, and restarting
  • The Drama

Haggling Trip

Many Eagles worked hard over the weekend to ensure that they earn the haggling trip on Monday.

The challenge is simple:
“Here’s 10 ringgit. You can only purchase something if you get 25% off the original price. Your goal is to stretch that 10 ringgit for as much as possible.”


Dr. Ewe handing out ang pao money


This is where we will haggle—TTDI Market

Eagles scouted the new environment and goods. Some Eagles hit it while many hesitated initially.

Some used local languages: “Makcik, ini harga terbaik ke?

All in all, every Eagle got at least 25% discount and some Eagles managed to get more than RM7 discount off their RM10 purchases.


The biggest discount was this box of chewing gum, retailed for RM5.20 and they got it for RM3.00. A 42% discount!

Eagles reflected the day. Many were surprised how much discount one could get just by asking.

“Going forward, I will always ask if I can get a discount next time.”

“I was afraid and too shy to haggle, but I saw Aqeesha doing it. So I decided to give a try.”

What a fruitful morning!

Studio-wide Debates

Last two weeks, Eagles have researched into their debate topics, wrote debate papers and now entered the final stage: a studio-wide debate. They were full of energy, with deeper study of pathos, logos and ethos.


The voted winning topics for Thursday 27th April exhibition are:

  • Will money make me happy and secure?
  • Is college worth it?
  • Should you take a high paying job you hate to make money early to do what you love later or start at the bottom and work your way up?

Come to the Exhibition and see the Eagles for yourself!

Stock Market Simulation Game

“AirAsia reports 35% increase in 2Q load.” AirAsia share price, up 2% to 2.83.

Is AirAsia shares going to go up or down? Should I buy more, sell now? Or wait on the sidelines?

Eagles entered a high-intensity environment of the stock market, where they experienced greed and fear. There were moments of indecision, as well as the frenzy of “buy buy buy, sell sell sell!


It was a challenge to keep track of how many shares one have, as well as the amount of the cash remaining.

Eagles learned that news can be misleading, while decision making can be hard, and keeping track of money in all the dramas… even harder!

Burning Contracts, Restart

Wednesday was the cut-off date for any modifications to the current contract. However, the council members were frustrated that most Eagles are not taking it seriously. Only one Eagle went through the entire contract and suggested edits.

Pessimism spelled the studios:

“If we are going to sign them on Friday, it’s going to be the same.”
“It’s going to be worse. Look at what’s been happening. I am not happy here.”

Guides offered choices: “Do you wish to continue or do you wish to burn the contracts, and start all over again?”

“Burn the contract?!?”

During lunchtime, Eagles burned their contracts. This was a symbol of transition, and something to move on.

Yes. Burn them. But not without having a clear idea on the next steps. Do we keep all the contracts or only some of them?

Eagles went all the way and agreed that they keep the two base contracts: Guide-Eagle contract and Parents Contract.

Signing the Guide-Eagle Contract

They will keep to the simplest three provisional promises:

  • Keep the Studio Sacred.
  • Do not distract yourself or others; and
  • Speak with kindness, encouragement, AND truth.

Even these three promises need clarification and have an agreed consequence. One Eagle puts it, the consequence needed to have “guardrails in a controlled environment so that we can do better”. I’ve seen how much Eagles have grown. Few months ago, they only talked about “cause and effects”. Now, they reasoned with the deeper understanding of why agreements and consequences are needed.

Upon agreeing with a basic contract, the Guides hold up the mirror and ask “Are you keeping to the promises?”

We do not see any sign of true commitment. Yet.

The Drama

An Eagle left a phone on Wednesday. I saw a phone messages that was beeping and filled with abusive words, addressed to a person. ActonKL does not tolerate any form of bullying or threat within the community.

Given that Eagles had just made three simple promises, I replied: “Are you speaking with kindness, encouragement, and truth?” directly on the phone. It was an out of the norm act—a disobedience. But necessary to drive an urgency for the openness of conversation among parents, parent and Eagles, as well as Eagles and guides.

More Dramas

As you would expect, Eagles made a huge deal. Topics such as privacy, health & safety entered the picture. A heated debate: “This is our personal lives!” We expect similar conversations at home.

The rebellion continued. Post lunch time, dirty plates all around—the last time they left such mess was after an Exhibition. One warning from Guides, but the lord of the flies continued.

It was only hours ago that Eagles had signed their Eagle-Guide contract. Guides stepped in by bringing all their belongings out. The message is: you made your promises. Commit to it.

However, Eagles continued, playing music and singing in the rain.

A classic teenage rebellion. One Elementary School Eagle commented, “I don’t want to be like the Middle Schoolers, they are so disruptive.”

By end of Thursday, Eagles were given a choice of true re-commitment: you either choose to come to ActonKL to commit, or stay outside. The studio is sacred.

The next day (Friday), Eagles came back, saying they are committing. The question is: will they prove it by action?

The day started with a launch outdoors. After a 3-minute pause, Eagles started the day with a refreshing shout and a clean-up to make the studio sacred. Then, Core Skills. There were still with some distractions.

An Eagle is an Eagle not within the school but both in and out of the school. The challenge is that how does a school model that into families? Next month onwards, there will be building blocks—workshops about Acton’s processes and philosophies.

We look forward to working together with families and build a stronger community together. Is this the Abyss? Maybe the worse is yet to come. Either way, this is the Hero’s Journey. May the Transformation begin.

Eagles are offered the Disobedience reward, worth a million ringgit. I believe the experience of true responsible, ethical disobedience and excellence and grit will be worth much more. So, dear Eagles, how committed are you?


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