On Monday, the Eagles brainstormed and created a list of how an Intentionality Hero behaves. After that, they were challenged to be intentional throughout the
week. Eagles who demonstrated intentionality will have special privileges in the ES studio for a day!
How does an Intentionality Hero behave?
Sensing that the end of the session is near, the Eagles are starting to work harder and being more diligent. On some days, they even choose to use their free time to catch up on work!
There was also much focus among the Eagles during Core Skills. With the new Journey Tracker system, the Eagles are learning to keep track of their daily progress better. There were also multiple discussions about goal setting throughout the week. Are your goals SMART? Are you achieving them every day? Are these goals in your comfort zone, challenge zone or panic zone? Hopefully, Journey Tracker and these questions would help them set better goals and form good habits.
Silent Core Skills time
Out in the garden, we learned how to make fermented fruit fertilizer for our plants. Lots of chopping and discussions happened. Besides that, we also planted seedlings, which we had germinated over the previous week, in our new vegetable bed. Thank you Auntie Nisha and Auntie Anisa for bringing some cuttings for our Eagles to plant too. Through the planting session, Eagles also learned about ways to maintain their plants to help them grow healthily. Can’t wait to harvest in the next sprint!
Acton KL gardeners busy at work!
How did we make our fermented fruit juice?
On Tuesday, our ES community visited Auntie CY’s edible garden to join a Grow and Cook workshop. It was really amazing to see how many different types of vegetable and herb that one could grow in a home garden. Auntie CY had more than 200 types of plants around her house, and a bee hive too, to help pollination happen! After the garden tour, our Eagles had the opportunity to harvest from the garden and then learn to cook a full meal with those ingredients. We had a feast of mulberry pandan tea, sweet corn and long bean fritters, grilled chicken sandwich, roast potatoes and pumpkin and lastly, a vegetarian pasta. It was a really fun
learning experience for the Eagles, parents and guides. Two of our Eagles were inspired and cooked at home for dinner too. 🙂 Thank you so much Auntie CY for agreeing to this and thank you parents for always encouraging the Eagles!
Aspiring chefs preparing fritters for everyone!
Thank you Auntie CY and team for the fun day out!
On Thursday, Miss Eileen, a Special Education Specialist from Lemme Learn organization, paid us a visit and shared a short workshop on Ability Awareness
with the Eagles. Miss Eileen used the analogy of different parts of the body – how each part has different strengths and functions but they work together to
make something stronger and better. Our Eagles also discussed about nutrition, oxygen and blood flow to keep our bodies healthy. Just like in our studio, each
of us have different strengths and challenges but all of us need love and friendship to grow healthily. Thank you very much, Miss Eileen!
How can we help each other learn and grow?
We ended the week with a mural painting session with our lovely young cartoonist, Miss Iman, and her mom. Miss Iman had a challenging childhood and was homeschooled by her mom. Together, they persevered through the many years and she is now an aspiring cartoonist. We will definitely invite her back for a Hero’s Sharing with the whole community. Thank you so much Iman and Auntie for painting the beautiful mural with our Eagles!
Animal cartoon characters representing our Eagles 🙂
Onward to our last week of the session!