ES Session 5, Week 5

Week 5 was a week of finishing strong in our ES Studio! Our Eagles worked hard and challenged themselves to achieve their goals in Core Skills and Project Time to prepare for the Exhibition on Friday.

It was a wormy day on Tuesday! We started the week learning all about Red Wigglers and vermicomposting with Auntie Nisha and Auntie Anisa. It was lots of fun examining the earthworms up close, caring for them to help them grow, setting up our worm bins and building a worm tower in our garden bed. Let’s see how much they will grow and reproduce over our next session, under the care of our little gardeners! 🙂


Worm time! 


Setting up our worm tower

In dodgeball, the Eagles are improving in their techniques, following rules and finally having proper matches yay! Of course there are still disagreements when the
other team wins but they are slowly learning about sportsmanship and giving their best in the matches.


Practicing our throwing techniques

On Wednesday, the whole community celebrated Acton KL’s first birthday! What a journey it has been since the day we officially registered the organization.
Watching all our Eagles blow the candle is a reminder of our privilege and responsibility as their guides. Thank you all for trusting and supporting our community on this journey together!


Happy Birthday, Acton KL!

Throughout the entire week, our ES Studio was bustling with preparation for the Exhibition. From the exciting showcase of posters, prepping the garden tour to wrapping up their journals and Writers’ Workshop, the Eagles demonstrated focus and discipline. They tried very hard to remember the scripts and took all of your feedback seriously from the previous exhibition to improve themselves. There were many stressful moments but they are definitely getting better at working through the challenges together.


Team 1 deep in discussion about their poster

One time when I was occupied with meetings, our young Eagles went ahead and did the dry-run by themselves and gave feedback to each other. I was very impressed and proud of how much they have grown together since the first sprint.



Proud mama moment! 🙂

Exhibition Day! Our Eagles were ready for show time. Thank you so much to everyone who came, asked great questions and helped make the Exhibition a success! Thank you Auntie See Ming too for spoiling us with the yummy strawberries and popsicles.



Naomi as our Emcee for the day


What is photosynthesis?


 Thank you for coming to our Exhibition! 

We ended the Gardening Quest with a celebration workshop by Chef Kaleb to make our own edible terrariums. There were all sorts of things in our terrariums – succulents, trees, mushrooms, flowers, moss, snakes, robots, etc. It was a messy, sugary, happy day!


Our masterpieces for the day

Character Call-outs time! We all went home with full hearts and tummies. 🙂


See everyone in Session 6!


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