MS Session 6 Week 1 – DT Programme 2, and launch of E-Ship Quest

This session’s quest is about Entrepreneurship (E-Ship), where the Eagles will “start” their own business and trade at the inaugural Children’s Business Fair KL 2017.

But before we get there, the MS Eagles are re-doing their studio to overhaul their learning space. Armed with their prior Design Thinking experience, it is time to get their hands dirty.


  • DTP (Design thinking programme), the sequel
  • Studio makeover begins
  • Team building games
  • Launch of E-Ship Quest

DT programme, the sequel

After the challenges from the previous session, we wanted to rejuvenate the studio. Hence, the MS studio is getting a make-over that is designed by our MS Eagles.

But before we can start work, the Eagles need to come up with their designs and work within a budget. They pitch their ideas to the community as a team or individual designers. We also had Auntie Rosalind in to give a talk about “Designs that give a positive vibe”. Thank you Auntie Rosalind!


Auntie Rosalind giving a talk


Eagles pitching for their designs


Some designs sketches

Studio makeover begins

After the Wesak day celebrations, we got started with the paint works. To most Eagles, this is the first time they got to paint an entire wall.

There are generally two schools of thought when it comes to painting walls. A more structured and regimented way gives good results without wasting too much paint, while the more relaxed splash and dash approach would still give the results, but with a greater loss of paint and requires more time. Our Eagles got to experience both sets of approaches and they can certainly see and feel the result.

After two days of paint works, only 2-rooms still need major paint works, one room needs detailing work, and the mural which shall remain a mystery for the time being.


Getting the paint and lots of colours to choose from


Painting works begin


Mystery mural project

Healing arrangements & team building games

As guides, we serve our Eagles to help them find their calling. They are also under our duty of care to protect them against foreseeable risks of personal injury or harm. To help our Eagles gain closure from the crisis of last session, we have been in contact with a few counsellors who have offered their services to aid us through this crisis. This week, the Eagles had close to a 3-hour long session through various group & individual therapy.

We then followed up with plenty of games and team-building activities. This session, the Eagles are doing badminton once a week at the TTDI Community Centre.


Eagles at the start of the group counselling session. Guides were politely asked to leave shortly after.


“Rebuilding trust doesn’t happen by just saying the words, but let our action be prove of our promises”


Plenty of team-building sessions


Badminton at TTDI Community Centre

Launch of E-Ship


The E-ship quest requires our Eagles to run a business at our inaugural Children’s Business Fair. This is also the first time our ES and MS doing a joint quest together. We have heard some ES and MS Eagles are teaming up to form a business. We can’t wait to see what our Eagle Entrepreneurs come up.


Working together to understand their archetype and their motivations


ES and MS team building game together, form a ramp for a ball to roll down


Children Business Fair 2017


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