ES Session 6, Week 1

Excited Eagles returned to school on Monday, all ready to see their friends and tell each other about their holidays! Monday was also a special day because we have a new Eagle who is starting his journey with us in the studio. Welcome, Arjun and family! 🙂 During our morning Circle Time, the Eagles explained how our days usually looked like and offered to help our new Eagle navigate through the new session together. Thank you, Eagles!

First D.E.A.R. time of the session

Uma made a presentation to share her elephant riding experience in Laos! 

In Core Skills, we reviewed the meaning of SMART Goals. After that, we discussed ways to
intentionally set our goals, try our best to complete them and track our
progress on Journey Tracker over the week.

What does SMART stand for?

On Monday, we also launched the E-Ship (Entrepreneurship) Quest! This session, the Eagles will sail in their “E-ship” across the quest map to various islands that represent different questions an entrepreneur would ask along his/ her journey. Through this, we hope that Eagles will discover their gifts and dreams and learn to
create a business that is right for them.

To embark on the Motivation Island adventure, Eagles first watched a video about a young entrepreneur and discussed what excites them about starting their own business. Not only that, the Eagles also learned about what motivates them, their gifts, talents and passion and brainstormed for business ideas. There were many, many crazy ideas!

Here’s the video of the 14-year-old CEO:

E-Ship Quest Map

Over the next couple of days, both ES and MS Eagles explored Motivation Island together.  They discussed in small groups and each came up with a short skit about the three different entrepreneurs – Bootstrap Tortoise, Asset Fox and MBA Hare and their characteristics, based on famous entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Donald Trump.

Next week, they will be off to Market Island!

What type of entrepreneur are you?

Out on the courts, we played teambuilding games and started badminton with Coach Yeoh and Coach Zul. The younger Eagles had a blast learning new skills and practicing them with the middle schoolers! Some are even practicing their newly learnt skills during free time before our next PE session. Wait for the Acton badminton championship. 🙂

Ready, set, go!! Don’t drop the plate! 

We ended the week with an Arts and Crafts session for Mother’s Day. Our Eagles were really excited to make all sorts of crafts for their mummies and even made Miss Caryn promise to keep it a secret from their parents. Happy Mother’s Day to all Acton Mummies! Thank you for inspiring us always.

Happy Mummies’ Day!

A final highlight of Week 1 was Kaleb’s 8th birthday celebration with a yummy, succulent cake baked by Katelynn.

Happy Birthday, Kaleb! 

Welcome back, Eagles and parents! 🙂


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