ES Session 6, Week 2

We started the week with Eagles sharing their updated business plans and prototypes with each other. Over the weekend, many have brainstormed for new business ideas and changed their business plans. I wonder how much more changes can happen till our Eagles submit their final business plans. 🙂 Be ready to be surprised at the Children’s Business Fair, everyone!


Gummies, cookies, perfumes – you can pre-order now!

This week was full of challenges! For the first half of the week, we were learning about various concepts in a business plan by using each Eagle’s business as examples. This quest is definitely not an easy one as there are so many different terms and concepts to grasp. However, I believe that it is important to expose our young
Eagles early to that adventurous, entrepreneurial spirit in order to nurture a generation of doers and dreamers in our communities. Hang in there, Eagles!


Kaleb working hard on his business plan

After that, we sailed on to Market Island. In Market Island, we learned about our customer needs and whether or not our ideas satisfy those needs. We also put our heads together and came up with questions for our customer surveys. Some of our Eagles even created online surveys to reach more potential customers. Can’t wait to hear about their experiences going around asking for feedback. Thank you so much parents for being so supportive of our Eagles’ work!


Project Time chaos 

During PE, the ES and MS Eagles teamed up for more teambuilding games and relay races! A moment of laughter – Abhiram, our youngest Eagle, took a shortcut around the field in the race but decided to wait for everyone else before crossing the finishing line. Fun times. And on Thursday, we had badminton again. The young Eagles absolutely enjoyed badminton yay! So happy that they are focusing and trying their best to hit the shuttlecocks. 🙂


Aim for it! 

On Thursday, we had our first Building Blocks workshop with our Acton parents to equip them with the understanding of Acton philosophy and processes. Our first workshop was about Grit and Growth Mindset. We shared our learnings as a community and came up with ways to cultivate these traits at home. Thank you parents for making time to join us! Do check this out if you are interested to learn more about Growth Mindset:


How have we demonstrated grit and growth mindset in our lives?

In the studio, we also talked about Growth Mindset, methods to practice it daily, ways our neurons work and how we can remind each other whenever we fall back into the Fixed Mindset. Thank you, my young Heroes for keeping me accountable. Parents, let’s keep nurturing that at home too! 🙂


Let’s exercise and stretch our brains! 

Children can be mature when we allow them to. On Friday in our Townhall Meeting, we raised the issue of consuming too much sugar and junk food, discussed the possible consequences and then, unanimously voted for a Junk Food day on Fridays only. During lunch, some Eagles even reminded their MS friends to not eat too much chips because they will become hyper and lose focus at school. Dear parents, thank you for helping our Eagles eat healthy at home and nurturing the awareness of their diets!


Townhall Meeting outcomes

Also, we celebrated our first Teachers’/ Guides’ Day at Acton KL. 🙂 Thank you so much parents and Eagles for the love, support, encouragement and yummy goodies!

Week 3, we are ready!


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