MS Session 6 – Week 2 & 3



These two weeks went by quickly, and the MS studio completed its makeover by end of Week 2. The following week saw the studio coming back to a steady rhythm. Highlights:

  • Final week of DTP programme
  • Sharing for closure, openness and rebuilding trust
  • Team-building activities & badminton
  • Building Blocks: the 1st session
  • E-ship Quest: Market surveys & business identity
  • Eagle Bucks store

Final week of DTP programme

Week 2 saw the final week of the DTP programme. The designs and work all coming together and uplift the mood of the place. The Eagles learnt a thing or two to get their rooms/design ready on time. These include having strict quality control for the wall painting and to disallow any form of distraction between them. For instance, the recently gazetted Chillax Room somehow received a dark coat of paint before reverting to the original white matte finish design.



Chillax Room during and after. The bean bags are on the way


Worq Room 1 during and after


Worq Room 2 during and after



Floor Mural during and after


The Launch Room got a lovely paint printed tree on its wall. Mr Jia, our Community Champion, orchestrated the creation of this piece of art with our Eagles. The Eagles can now claim to have “green” fingers.




Great effort by all the Eagles involved (including some ES for helping out) to re-vamp the MS studio. Thank you all so much!


Sharing for closure, openness and rebuilding trust

At the early part of Week 2, Dr Ewe (Lead MS Guide) sat with the Eagles to share the turn of events of last session’s the drama. He candidly spoke from the Guide’s perspective, laying out the logic and reasons of the decisions & actions taken. Each of our Eagles are under our duty of care and it is our priority is to ensure the safety of our Eagles.

Our Eagles had their 2nd session with the counsellor and this is purely by choice. The previous session was to build a rapport and to bring everyone on the same page. This session, was to break and remove all walls and restore trust – them to themselves; them to their peers; and, them towards the wider community.

In the middle of the week, we did a session of AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) with Mr Jia. Mr Jia stepped-out of this Guide role for this 10-minute session rapid fire of questions from Eagles. Some difficult and funny questions were asked, such as t“How did you meet your wife?” and “What do you dislike about Dr Ewe?”.

Team-building activities & badminton

During PE, both ES and MS Eagles got together for team-building games and relay races.


Ready, get-set, GO!


Balancing a ball together using plastic covers… Not easy!

The badminton sessions were energetic and we can see the Eagles (especially the ES) focusing and trying their hardest to hit the shuttlecocks. The past two sessions were focused on footwork and stamina.


Hard at play


Warming down activity

Building Blocks: The 1st ever

We had our first Building Blocks session with the parents of Acton. Building Blocks are workshop style activities to equip parents with Acton’s philosophy and processes. The format is a workshop format where we share our learnings as a community and came up with ways to cultivate these traits at home. Our first session was about Growth Mindset, which also ties with this Session’s character trait: Grit. Thank you parents for making time to join us.


Our first Building Blocks workshop


Grit@Home, among the takeaways from the workshop

E-ship Quest: Market surveys & business identity

Throughout these 2 weeks, the Eagles kept busy learning about their customers needs, and creating an identity for their business at the Children’s Business Fair (June 17th).

Each businesses have been creating and sending out e-surveys to gather feedback from their potential customers. This is their first test of their business idea where making alterations to their idea is relatively quick and painless.


The e-forms made and sent by our Eagles

They also made their own branding and slogans for their business. The both ES and MS studios came together to present their designs, to get feedback and critique from each other.

Here’s an inspiring video about BeeSweet Lemonade which they watched and analysed together.


Taking turns to present and give constructive feedback

On Friday, all the Eagles went on a trip to The Good Batch café at Damansara Uptown. Miss Caroline, the founder and owner, recounted her journey into the F&B world, ways she branded the different outlets, and also tips to attract customers. A big thank you to Miss Caroline for affording us her time and reminding us to do our research thoroughly before starting a businesses!


Miss Caroline chatting about typical margins in F&B business


Group photo after some yummy food and tasty drinks

Eagle Buck store

After all the hard work this week, the Guide unveiled a new menu in the Eagle Buck store. Our Eagles earn Eagle Bucks (EB) for the work effort they put in, which roughly equates to $ 1 EB = 5 hours of work. Highlights, and one that is getting some attention is “Pie a Guide” item, but it’ll set them back $50EB. Time to get a towel ready and practice our Matrix move.



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