ES Session 6, Week 4

We launched the new week with a discussion on excellence. “Is Excellence a skill or an attitude?” The Eagles voted, supported their choices and defined excellence in our studio. One said, “Excellence is being able to do something extremely well.” Another said, “When we are in the challenge zone and we try our best always, that is excellence.” Our youngest Eagle said, “You are excellent when you don’t give up.” The challenge was, how do we practice this attitude throughout Session 6?

Which would you choose and why? 

During Project Time, the Eagles planned, drew and got feedback for their booth designs. It will definitely be a colourful Children’s Business Fair! Remember to come
and check them out on the 17th of June. 🙂 After that, we sailed on to Unit Economics Island. Eagles listened and acted out to the story of Sally the artist
entrepreneur, Betty the customer, Jack the fair organizer, Robin the hardware shopkeeper and the ringgits! Ringgits were moving around and exchanged as
variable costs, fixed costs, selling price and profit. Then, we discussed and worked out the profit that Sally gained from her small business. It was
surprisingly a big hit with the Eagles yay. Off they went to work on the unit economics of their businesses! Thank you so much Parents for helping them with
the math and concepts!


Story of Sally the Artist and her business

Naomi the artist, Kimaya the customer and all the little ringgits!

In Writers’ Workshop, Eagles worked on another Prewriting and Drafting of their short stories. Like last week, they first brainstormed and then drew a mind map
of all their ideas. There are all sorts of stories such as Pokemon Adventures, Secret Life of Cats, The Last Shifter and also an interactive sci-fi short story. We
will continue to work on these pieces for the rest of this session. The main objectives of this activity are to nurture the love for writing and to get their creative
juices flowing. Oh, and practicing grit and excellence too while we are at it. 🙂

Kaleb sharing his ideas with the group for feedback

In our studio, we introduced the Mindfulness Potion Jar to help us focus and be mindful. Glitter in the jar represents thoughts in our minds and feelings in
our hearts. We talked about what kinds of things would make the glitter in the jar swirl and cloud everything. And then, we practiced being still by doing some
mindful breaths while waiting for the glitter to settle to the bottom of the jar. Now, we are ready to focus and see clearly again. Sometimes when the
studio gets super noisy and chaotic, one of them will shake the jar vigorously and say, “Guys, this is our minds right now. Let’s try and focus again.” Our Eagles
are now the mindfulness guards in school. Over the week, Eagles came to school with their new potion jars with lots and lots of colorful beads representing their colorful minds.

Potion in action!

Throughout the week, we also discussed more about “Intentionality”. What makes us an Intentionality Hero? Are we only being intentional at school? How do practise intentionality at home? Eagles came out with different ways to be intentional and responsible at home such as packing their bags for school, remembering to bring their folders and reminding themselves about homework. Dear Daddies and Mummies, please help our Eagles develop and practise these habits beyond school. Allow them to be accountable and responsible for some tasks at home. Thank you so much for being on this journey together!

How can we be more intentional every day?

On Friday, we ended the week with an Eagle’s birthday celebration at the park with lots of homemade goodies and fun times. Happy 7th Birthday, dearest Kimaya!

Of course, a group photo with the signature Dab! 


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