ES Session 6, Week 5

Week 5 was an extremely short week as the guides and many middle schoolers were down with a flu bug. As a result, the school had to be closed for a couple of days. Thankfully, everyone is recovering well and will be up and about in no time!

The week started with an engaging discussion about flow versus grit. Flow, a term introduced in Sprint 1, is when a person performing an activity is feeling fully focused, involved and enjoyment during the activity. Grit, a character trait introduced this sprint, is having the courage and perseverance to push through, no matter what the obstacles are. Eagles discussed, debated and came to the conclusion that both flow and grit are important in order to achieve their goals. Based on the discussion, the Eagles decided to commit to stricter rules until they can practice grit and find flow daily.

Topic of the week

Writers’ Workshop continued this week with the Eagles finalizing their ideas in Pre-writing and moving on to Drafting. While they were eagerly drafting their short stories on Grammarly, I took this chance to emphasize the importance of typing skills and practicing on Typing Club. Some Eagles were typing with much frustration because they couldn’t type as fast as their ideas were flowing. Now, our Eagles realize that there is a real need to improve and intentionally practice typing yay!

“Secret Life of Cats” in progress

On Friday, we had our weekly Townhall Meeting. Throughout the meeting, the Eagles were very intentional. They realized that they haven’t fully kept their promises all this while so they decided to set a deadline for themselves. 3 months! In three months’ time, they must be able to focus and truly uphold their promises. If we achieve that, we can go for a family outing! Parents, be warned – they have requested for an overnight trip. 🙂 It is really wonderful to see how mature children can be when we trust in them.

We can conquer our goals in 3-months’ time!! 

This week, we were blessed with a Hero’s Sharing by Ganesh Muren, a passionate young social entrepreneur who founded Saora Industries. His invention of a
solar powered water filter has brought clean drinking water and light to many rural communities in Malaysia. Ganesh, thank you for reminding and inspiring us
to serve where there is a need! And also, for showing the guides how to keep this crowd of young Eagles completely engaged by the pop quiz and surprise
gifts. 🙂

Thank you Ganesh for making time for us! 

After that, we moved on to Hiring Island. Based on the following video, we talked about what an entrepreneur has to consider when hiring employees as this decision play a role in determining the success of a business. When is the cost of an employee worth it, or when are you better off not hiring? Parents, remember to claim your salaries from our young bosses! 🙂

Then, the Eagles played RoboRush to learn how their decisions to hire employees affect their business profits. Let’s see how much everyone earned over the weekend on Monday!

Roborush-ing with the Middle Schoolers! 

It is officially one week to our first ever Children’s Business Fair! Do come and support our young entrepreneurs. Be there or be square! 🙂


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