MS Session 6, Week 5

This week, the flu came around, with many of our Eagles coming into contact with the bug. It had meant a smaller group of Eagles on average this week, but we still had a fair bit of activity done.


  • The games we play
  • Hiring Island & Value Chain discussion
  • Grittiness and the Pursuit of Happyness
  • Mural unveiling
  • Hero Sharing by Ganesh Muren, a Social Entrepreneur

This week’s activities had games built into the Challenges they do. Galactic Zappers may seem like a game, but it’s also a powerful way to learn about production processes and bottlenecks. RoboRush helps to better understand the process business may go through when deciding if and when to hire employees.



Eagle working through RoboRush


Tabulating their “monthly” in-game progress

On one occasion, Dr Ewe showed them a game he previously made to work with kids on Scratch. This is a little prelude to a Quest next academic year.



On Thursday, due to low numbers in the studio, we played a number of games such as Charades. There were some excellent performances, while others were a leap of the mind.

In place of the scheduled PE, the Eagles had a game of charades to challenge the mind and for sheer entertainment. 

Hiring Island & Value Chain discussion

Hiring Island started this week. Deciding when to hire employees is one of the biggest decisions an entrepreneur must make, and hiring the right people can play a role in determining the success of your company, what it becomes, and how much time you spend with your friends and family.

For this challenge, the MS Eagles started with the RoboRush game above. Many became accomplished in the game and attaining high-scores. They then helped their younger ES Eagles to get started.


Thank you to our MS Eagles who helped the younger ES Eagles

What happens when we want to further expand our business? Do we add more to our existing list of products/services? Or do we venture along our industry’s value chain? On Friday, with only a handful of Eagles around, we had a snappy discussion about value chain and how it is helpful. The example discussed was about KFC’s value chain.

Our Eagle’s artist impression of the value chain of the KFC fast food business

Grittiness and the Pursuit of Happyness

The civ-viewing for this week is The Pursuit of Happyness. It is based on the story of Chris Gardner, a man who loses everything, but eventually gets everything.


After the movie, the Eagles debated about various topics, e.g. What are the value that Chris showed to his son? Is it true that most people who live in poverty don’t work hard and don’t apply themselves? What factor does education play in this? Do you consider Mr. Gardner to be a male role model?

Here is one of the answer from the one of the Eagles to the question about role model. “Chris Gardner is definitely a role model. The pros are that he is willing to do anything for his family and he NEVER gave up on trying to make his son happy or to have a steady income. He also has a lot of grit and is very self-sacrificial but he does lie a lot. He lies because he doesn’t have enough money or he doesn’t want people to know what he was going through

Mural unveiling

The last project to be completed is the mural project, the floor mural project.


Putting the final touches

Inspired by 3D floor mural, the floor mural depicts the Eagle’s Hero’s Journey. This project is done by two MS Eagles, Kat & KY. Thank you for all your effort!

Hero Sharing by Ganesh Muren, a Social Entrepreneur

This week, we were fortunate to have Hero’s Sharing with Ganesh Muren, a passionate young social entrepreneur who founded Saora Industries. They supplied solar powered water filters that brings clean drinking water and light to many rural communities in Malaysia.

Ganesh had kindly brought gifts for the Eagles, but there were not enough. Hence he had pledge to bring enough for all the Eagles who had attended (ES & MS). Thank you Ganesh for your advice to budding entrepreneurs in our Eagles.



“Plan carefully for your business, else you may end up learning an expensive lesson. Do all the research to ensure your plan will work, but also always be ready with a Plan B.”



It is now less than a week to our first ever Children’s Business Fair! Do come and support our young entrepreneurs.


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