ES Session 6, Week 6

Final week before the big day! The studio was buzzing with enthusiasm as our Eagles wrapped up their preparation work for the Children’s Business Fair. We kicked off the week by listing down all our goals and setting strict datelines for them. Everyone was ready to give their best – ready, set, go!

Outside the studio, we
had our last badminton workout with Coach Tan and Coach Zul for the session.
Our two youngest Eagles led the others in warming up and jogging. Then, the
Eagles practiced serving and played a few matches with one another. Fun times! We
will be learning and practicing more techniques next session. A mini badminton
tournament at the end of the academic year, perhaps?

How many shuttlecocks can we get on the sarong?

Through these
badminton workouts, it is interesting to see how the Eagles reacted whenever
new skills were introduced. Many of them were often intimidated and refused to
give it a try at first. But, after some encouragement and a few attempts, they
realized that they could do it! They just needed to gain the courage, cross
that threshold and try. Even at such a tender age, our children are already
conditioned to fear failure. There must be something we can do to help them embrace
failures and see them as learning opportunities. Miss Caryn’s next goal – to better
understand failures and encourage effort in the studio! Dear parents, do remind
our Eagles to always embark on new adventures, even when it feels a little
scary! A wise quote from our 7-year-old, “Don’t try,
just do it! You can do it!”

Just do it! 

In Writers’ Workshop,
Eagles worked diligently (and frantically) to finish the steps in the Writing Process and moved onto Publishing.
Eagles typed the final draft of their stories and voila, they were ready to be
shared with our visitors during the CBF. For the next session, we will be
working more on peer critique to stretch their brains in new ways and help each
other improve at the same time.

Naomi doing some final edits to her interactive short story

This week, Miss Evelyn
Marieta, the founder of, visited and shared her journey with us
as an entrepreneur in the beauty and skincare field. She told us all about the
challenges faced, lessons learnt and joys gained over the past three years. Not
only that, she also gave our young bath scientists tips on how to improve their
products for the CBF and got all our little ones excited about Wunderbath’s
hyper-realistic Pokeball soaps. Thank you for
reminding our Eagles to not be afraid to explore new ideas. Fail early, fail
often and keep growing!

Thank you Miss Evelyn for the sharing! 

During Project Time, Eagles
worked super hard to complete the E-ship Quest. They chose to work at every
free time that they had. They practiced their pitches with the MS Eagles, put
finishing touches on their products, helped one another draw posters,
collaborated to come up with better ideas to boost sales and worked on the math
to run their booths. It was the true spirit of gotong-royong in action! Bring
it on, we are pumped up for CBF!

Would you like to try some Yummy Gummies? 

More pitching and product testing during their Free Time 

Word and spirit of the week – Gotong-royong!

Finally, the big day
had arrived! Our budding entrepreneurs came bright and early on Saturday
morning to set up their booths and was all ready to make some sales. After four
hours of fun and hard work, we called it a day. Our first Children’s Business
Fair was a success with over a hundred visitors and a total revenue of RM8000! 🙂

Thank you for supporting us!! 

Dear visitors, thank
you so much for coming and supporting our Eagles. For those who couldn’t make
it, come visit us next year!

Parents, thank you for
believing in them and for guiding them in so many ways throughout the sprint.
It has been an extremely challenging quest but we hope that you will keep the
fire going to journey together with our Eagles to find their gifts that will
change the world in their own special ways.

Congratulations to all
the Eagles and parents for a powerful sprint!!

See you next year at our 2018 Children’s Business Fair! 

For more photos from
the CBF, click here:

Thank you Suresh for
making time for us and for capturing these beautiful moments!


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