MS Session 6, Week 6



This is the last week of the Entrepreneurship Quest and ended with our inaugural Children’s Business Fair 2017. Here are some highlights:

  • Hero Sharing by Evelyn Marieta of Wunderbath
  • Sharing of next academic year (2017/2018) plans
  • 2nd chances – the Re-Application process
  • Prototyping and “beta-tasters”
  • Practice runs & practice pitching
  • Time for serious business – Children’s Business Fair 2017

Hero Sharing by Evelyn Marieta of Wunderbath

This week, Miss Evelyn Marieta, the founder of, visited and shared her journey with us as an entrepreneur in the beauty and skincare field. She told us all about the challenges faced, lessons learnt and joys gained over the past three years. Not only that, she also gave our young bath Entrepreneurs tips on how to improve their products for the CBF and got all our Eagles excited about Wunderbath’s hyper-realistic Pokeball soaps. After the session, some Eagles even started to approach Evelyn for a potential Apprenticeship next session (more on that in the next post).


Hero sharing by Miss Evelyn


Everyone likes a selfie

Sharing of next academic year (2017/2018) plans

Mid-week, we had a sharing with the MS Community. It is the first time we are publishing our plans for the coming year. As a snippet, Cooking & Chemistry, and Coding & Tech is our first two Quest of next academic year.


Discussion about the road ahead for the MS Eagles and their Parents

Some recommendations that came from the meeting:

  • A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson – an excellent bestseller about where everything came from, especially if a family want to explore more Science.
  • Path to Purpose by William Damon – relates well to our Eagles’ journey, which are driven by an internal purpose and drive. Our ActonKL library has a copy.
  • Moana – It touches on the path of Finding a Calling, in an entertaining and powerful way 🙂

The calendar for next academic year has been published and can be found here.

2nd chances – the Re-Application process

Are 2nd chances meant to make things right? Or is it to prove you can be better after a setback? Who would you give 2nd chances to? Would the expectations be different for people who were given a 2nd chance?

Our Eagles debated this topic across this week.

Towards the end of the week, the Guides revealed that one of our Eagle who left was undergoing the Re-Application process. Our Eagles have concerns about this, but are generally supportive and believe in giving 2nd chances. It just means that the Re-Applicant Eagle will have to prove their word in delivering excellent work, while managing any past issues they may have.

Practice runs and “beta-tasters”

Throughout the week, the Eagles had opportunity to have practice run. They can practice setting up their stall, gathering early customer feedback and also try pitching to the “public”. With each practice run they have, they improve on their presentation/product based on the feedback and review given by their peers.


Peer feedback is important, e.g. “Sorry, your avocado guacamole tastes like durian…“


Safety is the most important priority, especially when handling a knife


Trying out the arrangement for the day


Early decoration display, a Mail Capsule

Time for serious business – CBF2017

Finally, the Children’s Business Fair 2017 day had arrived! Our Eagle-eyed entrepreneurs came bright and early on Saturday morning to set up their booths. Armed with all their products and marketing tricks strategies, they went on for 2.5 hours of pitching to the general public, taking orders, accepting payment and recording their sales. Our first Children’s Business Fair was a success with over a hundred visitors and a total transactions valued at RM8,000! Well done to all the Eagles, and their supporting cast for a wonderful event!


Busy selling


See you guys next year at the Children’s Business Fair 2018

More professional looking pictures can be found here. A big big thank you to Suresh Kumar for helping to document the event through your lens.

Next up, Apprenticeship Quest.


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