MS Session 7, Week 1

We started the final session for the 2016/2017 academic year here at Acton Academy KL. Our Eagles are raring to go, and to start looking for a apprenticeship..!

Here are the highlights:

  • Family Day & Start of session
  • Apprenticeship Quest
  • Marshmallow tower challenge
  • MS-Buddy taken up a notch
  • Gentle steps back towards self governance

Family Day & Start of session

We started the session with a family day. It was a good opportunity to burn off the calories after the Raya Holiday festivities. The weather was great and we had a few games between Eagle and Parent; even Guides were ‘mokeying’ around!


Relaxing time before the start of session


Kids, don’t do this without adult supervision

With all the fun and festivities, the last session of this academic year begun. Our mission

at ActonKL

has always been to inspire everyone who enters our doors to find their passion. This is also extended to any Eagle who left Acton but is determined to come back and prove themselves. Hence, we would like to invite back our Eagles who undergone our re-application process. We all hope to see great work done and living up to promises!


School is in session, who says we can’t have a little fort making fun

Apprenticeship Quest


In the final session this year, the Eagles are challenged to get a job! To be precise, to find an apprenticeship by following Six Steps to Find a Life Changing Apprenticeship

  1. Find an adventure that matches your gifts and passions.
  2. Do deep research about your target company and who will be hiring you.
  3. Create a compelling email, phone and in person pitch, each advancing you closer to hearing the magic phrase: “I’ll give you a chance to prove yourself!”
  4. Craft a clear covenant between you, your employer and your parents.
  5. Prepare to execute by showing up early, working hard, staying late and taking careful notes about who you meet and what you learn.
  6. Follow up afterwards with a thank you note and request for a letter of reference.

This week, the Eagles are hard at work doing research; researching inwards and outwards. Researching inwards to discover their passion involves brainstorming and thinking deeply about their gifts and their desires. At the same time, they also research outwards to discover clues that leads toward a path of industry expertise. At this stage, they struggle balancing between a few high potential but difficult to secure apprenticeships, and ones with less sizzle but a high chance of securing. This this feeling sound familiar?

Marshmallow tower challenge

Our ES studio is doing an Architecture Quest this session. The MS Eagles took this opportunity to gate crash join in their Marshmallow Tower challenge. The task is to build a tallest free-standing tower made of spaghetti with the marshmallow at the top. Good teamwork and constant “experimenting” are needed for a tall steady structure. Besides, a hands on game tinkering with spaghetti and marshmallows is bound to be fun!


Busy experimenting with different structures for the Marshmallow Tower challenge


The materials: spaghetti, tape, string and a single marshmallow (not to be eaten)

MS-Buddy taken up a notch

While everyone’s Hero’s Journey is an individual struggle, victories mean little unless shared with others in community. Great leaders invest into the community by guiding, encouraging and inspiring others, while learning how to lead a studio, a community or help other leaders build world class organizations.

Our MS Eagles have buddied up with the ES Eagles from the beginning and had always tried to find ways to work more alongside them. This time, one MS Eagle found time from his schedule to assist in the ES Studio on a daily basis. At Acton, Eagles are allowed and encouraged to challenge themselves and to define their own independent “quest”. The ES Eagles are certainly assured to have a “big brother” around.


Guiding ES Eagles and require much patience. Keep it up!

Gentle steps back towards Self Governance

The Eagle wants a community that strives for high standards of work and integrity. They want guardrails to help each other on their own Hero’s Journey.

Last session, the Guides had led majority of the studio governance and Eagles are used to earning Eagle Bucks for delivering on their work and goals (5 hours of work = $1EB). This session, Eagles are allowed and encouraged to ask for Eagle Bucks from each other to uphold the standards and principles of the studio.

The Eagle Bucks system is a game of economics with real life consequences. It empowers the Eagles to uphold the boundaries that they set for their studio. They also get to enjoy the efforts of their hard work from the Eagle Buck store.


Eagle holding up the boundaries by asking for Eagle Bucks 


Sales at the Eagle Buck Store was brisk. Sundae Cones disappeared without a photo taken. All that was left was the whipping cream


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