ES Session 7, Week 1

Welcome back Eagles and Parents! Can’t believe it is already our last session for this academic year. Thank you so much for the thrilling adventure so far.

Session 7 started with a little bit of fun with our Parents’ Day celebration at the park. Perfect time to burn off all the calories from the Hari Raya visiting and two week holiday! Parents also got a taste of the Eagles’ favorite games at school – Virus and T-Pole. (Remember to ask the Eagles about it when you come visit us during our Exhibitions. :)) Lots of fun, laughter and happy tummies! It was the perfect start to a new session.


One big, happy family! 


T-Pole in action! Ready, get set, GO! 

On Monday, we kicked off Project Time with the Architecture Quest launch. This session, Eagles will be walking in the shoes of architects to design their dream Acton Academy which will be shared with all the Acton communities around the world. We dived straight into building structures using satay sticks and clay. The Eagles came up with houses, treehouses and even the little furniture inside them.


Architecture quest map 


Spot the tiny furniture

Besides that, we also had a School Hunt challenge. In teams, the Eagles ran around school hunting for the fire escape, electrical box, fire alarm, first aid kit or the number of stairs going up to the Middle School. Our little Architects were fully focused in completing the challenge and competing against each other!


Teamwork during the School Hunt challenge

Mid-week, we had our Marshmallow Tower Challenge with the Middle School Eagles to build the tallest tower using spaghetti and topped with a marshmallow. Eighteen minutes of teamwork, disagreements, laughter and experimentation! It was lots of fun and new discoveries for everyone.


Oh no, the marshmallow is so heavy! 

This session, Writers’ Workshop launched with A Hero’s Journey. The Eagles watched their favorite Hero’s Journey video, discussed about the different stages, brainstormed for heroes and began their research. This session, they will be writing a biography on a chosen hero to be published during the exhibition in five weeks’ time *fingers crossed*.


Uma sharing her Hero’s Journey research 

One of the highlights for this week must be the fidget spinner competition! Our Eagles built many different versions of the fidget spinner using Lego blocks and competed against each other to see whose creation spun the longest. Creativity at work!


Acton KL’s fidget spinner tournament 

In the studio this past week, I learned a big lesson. One of our Eagles had an emotional outburst after a disagreement with a fellow Eagle and really struggled to let go of the anger. It was the first time this has ever happened. We resolved the disagreement and managed the anger through discussion, role-play, mindful breaths and our decision to become heroes. One Eagle said, “Don’t choose to feel like a victim because you are a hero inside.” I am so, so blessed to have such kind and
mature Eagles. Everyone gave their best to help our Eagle get over his anger and encouraged him to be a hero! It is definitely time to include anger management in our studio.


We can overcome this together! 

We ended the week with the session-ly Eagle Buck store, where Eagles buy things with their hard-earned Eagle Bucks, and our Friday Character Call-outs. Here’s a special shoutout to Brien, our MS buddy, who took time out daily to help guide the ES Eagles. Thank you for being a role model and for challenging our young ones to grow!


Thank you, big brother! 


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