MS Session 7, Week 2

This week is a low-key week, not without Eagles breaking new grounds with nerves of jelly steel.

Highlights are:

  • Getting physical
  • Building Blocks #2 – Hero’s Journey
  • Into the Abyss with the job pitch
  • Info session

Getting physical

Currently for Physical Education (PE) at ActonKL, one day is spent with professional trainers doing sports such as dodgeball and badminton at the nearby community centre. The second PE day, we do physical drills and free play. Eagles have a choice to stay away from certain activities, provided they compensate with alternative activities that are inline with the objectives of PE.

This week, some Eagles took this opportunity to try the alternative activity of doing two rounds of 7-minute workouts.


Amazing how much sweat you can break with just a 7-minute workout

Building Blocks – Hero’s Journey

We had two events this week; first event was a Building Blocks workshop for the Parents of ActonKL with the Hero’s Journey as the central topic of discussion. Central to our promise at ActonKL is that every Eagles will “Begin a Hero’s Journey.” These Building Blocks are workshop-style activities that equips the community with our philosophy and processes.

Thank you for spending the time with us, and for sharing your Hero Journeys with the community. We hope to take time to reflect the Hero’s Journey to in our own lives.

“When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness.” – Joseph Campbell.

Into the Abyss with the job pitch

Speaking of Hero’s Journey, after having done the research and choosing the apprenticeship they want, it is time for some of the Eagles to track “Into the Abyss” and make first contact. Making that first call/email for your first job is nerve-racking, a feeling that make of us had went through sometime in our lives. It was tough.

Our Eagles came out of it feeling victorious having “slain that dragon”, and release some of that “stress”. Well done guys and gals!! There are more of you out there, but here only some of the photos that we got.

Remember the first time you ever tried put in a job application / make a call about your first job?

Info session – last one for 2016/2017 academic year

We ended the week with an ActonKL with our second event; an Info Session for the public. The event is typically run by the Eagles. They greeted the guests, registered them, took them for a tour and even answer all their questions. Thank you Eagles for helping out for this session, and for taking the courage to step out of your comfort zones to host the guests.

Eagles greeting and registering guest

A little activity conducted by the Guides before general Q&A

ActonKL has three (3) info sessions in an academic year. Our next one is on 10th November 2017. Register your interest here and save the date.


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