ES Session 7, Week 2

This week, we had a new Eagle join our community. Welcome, Sufyan and family! 🙂

For Project Time, the Eagles continued their research as architects to come up with their dream Acton
Academy. We learned about the different systems of measurements available, the
importance of using a consistent system across the world and finally, ways to
use a ruler and a measuring tape. To practice, we ran around measuring parts of
the school, from the width of the fire escape to the depth of the sink.

Let’s measure each other too! 

We also went on a virtual world tour to hunt for interesting school designs out there. The Eagles were
very inspired by all that they see. There were so many designs and technologies
which were incorporated into school buildings! Where do these inspiration take
us? During our discussions, we pondered over these questions – Do buildings
affect the way we feel? When designing a structure, should architects focus
more on beauty or functionality?

Next week, we will be learning about scales, sketching and drawing floor plans. I hope everyone is looking
forward to all the wild, fun school designs from our Eagles!

Did you know that there is a school painted in rainbow colors in Paris? Check it out! 

Game time – Designing a futuristic house for a child of the future

For Core Skills, iZ Hero topped the popularity chart this week. Almost every Eagle was on a mission
to collect badges to become a Digital Intelligence Hero. Through this program,
Eagles learn about screen time management, cyber bullying, cyber security and
more. Remember to ask them about what they have learned so far! 🙂

iZ Heroes enjoying their picnic

Outside the studio, we had our usual badminton session with Coach Tan and Coach Zul. This week, the
Eagles practiced forehand strokes and serving across the court. On Thursday, we
tried HIIT exercises for the first time at the park! It was a hit with the
Eagles, competing against the computer and the MS Eagles. Let’s see how many 7-minutes
set we can complete by the end of this session!

Practicing forehand strokes by hitting the plastic bag was extremely fun

Plank for 1 minute! 

We had our second Building Blocks Workshop this past week too. In line with this session’s
Writers’ Workshop topic, we talked about our chosen Hero’s Journey and also
shared our individual stories. It was great to be able to learn from one
another. Parents, thank you so much for making time for this! Always remember that
your Hero’s Journey begins in your usual daily routine.

Here is our Eagles’ all-time favorite video. Enjoy!

Discovering new things about each other from our Hero’s Journeys

Looking back at the week, it was a rather challenging one. According to the Eagles, our studio
intentionality was two thumbs down on many occasions. Could it be us still
getting back into the rhythm of school, or the addition of a new Eagle to our
nest, or the complexity of the quest or the Eagles going through a phase? Regardless
of the cause, we are ready to work harder to bring intentionality back up next

We ended Friday on a positive note! All our Eagles were very excited and organized themselves for
the Info Session. They were in charge of greeting visitors, registration,
ushering and also, giving a tour of the school. Thank you Eagles for stepping
up and being responsible!

Chucky explaining the Architecture Quest Map to our guest 

See everyone in Week 3!


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